Breitling Jet Team former ( 2008 ) color scheme presented here by Kyrypust is by far more elegant than the
current ( ugly ) "full yellow tail" color scheme.
When released, this L-39C will certainly be declared the "FS9 Freeware Of The Year" !!!
Judging from this video, this project seems to be quite advanced.
Hoping this "jewel" will come in 2010. :ernae:
Breitling Jet Team ( BJT ) L-39 have now new colors for the 2010 Season.
The new scheme is very classy and stylish compared to the very ugly one
of the past seasons.
You can see the painting of the 7 x L-39 of the "BJT" on the video section
of their official website here :
It woukd be very fine if our friend Vit "Kyrypust" Storch eventually release its
FS9 L-39C project with these fine colors.
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