Douglas A20 Havoc

As you know there are many variants, 4 engine types, nose configs, 2 tails, 4 cowlings, 2 nacelles, gun configs, and machine gun/turret configs.

Obviously, I cannot do all of them, probably not the DB-7 (smaller engine and nacelle and vtail) or DB-7a (stepped nose glass), but the DB-7b, Boston III is likely.

That would also presume then the A-20 (similar to the DB-7b) without turbocharger (A-20A with diagonal nose window glass) (most A-20's were converted to P-70s).

The A-20B 's (similar to the DB-7A) were unpopular due to poor armor protection and no self-sealing tanks. Most went to Russia or used in recon missions. Likely will not do this variant.

The A-20C and G's are likely on the list to be done.

The D/E/F are not on the list.

The H/K's are a possibility but would require different nose, cowlings and flight models.

These are just my initial takes on the series and may change. :)

Dear Milton,

The A-20C and A-20G (with early type cowlings) will surely make most people very happy.

Just my two cents,
Dear Milton,

The A-20C and A-20G (with early type cowlings) will surely make most people very happy.

Just my two cents,

That is my opinion as well Huub. I'll have to think how best to handle some nose variants without getting too cutsie or creating a mess of the texture mapping. Keep it simple saves me and others a lot of time.
That is my opinion as well Huub. I'll have to think how best to handle some nose variants without getting too cutsie or creating a mess of the texture mapping. Keep it simple saves me and others a lot of time.

I love keeping things simple. Looking forward to the Havoc! There are a bunch of paints out there for the old Alpha Sim one. We've flown it on several occasions during our nightly online flights. It's a favorite of mine and a "Milton" A-20 will be so much better!
That is my opinion as well Huub. I'll have to think how best to handle some nose variants without getting too cutsie or creating a mess of the texture mapping. Keep it simple saves me and others a lot of time.

Although I have no real experience in this, I think when you unwrap the texture for the solid nose version it should fit the glass nose version as well.
It requires different panel lines etc, but that shouldn't be a huge problem.

Although I have no real experience in this, I think when you unwrap the texture for the solid nose version it should fit the glass nose version as well.
It requires different panel lines etc, but that shouldn't be a huge problem.


For some models, that is true. The G and J/H noses had different shapes but I can probably swap noses at the bulkhead.

There were also different glass configs and gun mounts, so I'll just have to see when I get there. :)
good morning Milton,
youhouuu, I just came back from work - and now near to three weeks of holydays !
So I will have time to finish the Tigercat panel, and perhaps to make the panel for the Lodestar, also is in the tube a 2d panel for the A-26 Invader.
All Us planes - due to the amazing work you do.
Hmm "all american" do think about to do one day perhaps also a german plane? Dornier Do-17, or early Heinkel He 111, or never done as real FS2004 plane a Junkers Ju-86 ? I know that Hauke Keitel planned to do the Ju-86, but he seems to have left the scenery.
Wouldn`t it be a challenge ? There is still a Junkers Ju-86 existing - in Sweden. This plane also was staring in the Film about Ernst Udet " the devil's general".
Difficult to ignore that my origins are german, isn't it ?

Bis Bald

Michael "Papi" Vader
Papi, sounds like you are having all the fun we should have being creative with our time and sharing our contributions with friends. :) I hope you truly enjoy your holidays. :wavey:

I am still working to finish the Harpoon final fixes and get them uploaded to the various sites.

Also working on the Mallard, Lodestar and Ventura concurrently, and doing a little beta testing on the FSX native F7F-1.
And, I also have the F7F's FS9 version to get out as well but I await a paint kit from gman5250 so we (you all) can get some paint schemes going.
I have the packages ready, just need some serious paint work done.

It's great to be retired. :) :wiggle:
A-20 Havoc - Time to get Serious

Well, finally with the Harpoons, Lodestars, Ventura, the F7F series, and Commander 685 off my desk, I have only the Mallards left to launch (awaiting textures).

So, I am already bored and must get my data archive together on the A-20 Havoc, and get serious about modeling.

I have been studying my 3-views cross sections and it is frustrating how different they are among different authored prints.

We shall overcome this however.

I posted a link earlier in this thread to the initial thread on this project and there were some offers made that I would like to see come to fruition.

Give me a few days to get my head around this and maybe I will settle into some serious modeling after that.


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Good call! I love the A-20 Havoc, she was one of the most underrated light bomber / attack aircraft of WWII. The Soviets loved her too, so did the Brits!
Looking forward to this one Milton. The RAAF used them in their PTO. 2 have been restored to museum static display and I believe one is also being restored to flying status.
Me two! the A-20 is very high on my favorite list of Aircraft. Thanks Milton. (hehe looking forward for the A-20 and to tear up the New Mexico sky!):redfire:
A great choice! I have this book, called "Wreaking Havoc, A Year in an A-20", by Joseph W. Rutter. He drove A-20s in the Pacific. The book has a lot of good stories on handling qualities of this plane. No numbers, but interesting stuff.
Thanks you John for the reference photos; as you know, one can never have too many.

Thanks everyone for your interest. I'll see what I can do to get this started.
Cool! A BD-1!!! (Navyese for the A-20)

The old AlphaSim one was a favorite in FS9, but very dated. Milton's spin on it is gonna be great!