Winter is on it's way so thought it best I get prepared.
That looks appropriately grundgy for the wet, sloppy, snowy season.

Winter is on it's way so thought it best I get prepared.
I have spent the last few hours on this one.
Perhaps not yet finished but I already like it
I have spent the last few hours on this one.
What is considered as a bug in the FSX version happens to me in FS9 also. The weight of the internal and external transport tank is always in the fuel table no matter whether the tanks are selected in the load out panel or not. I have saved a flight without the extra tanks as default which currently solves the problem for me.
I hope this makes some sense......
That's not struggling - it's called winning!
Awesome work, Huub.![]()
Just look at your A-20's now Milton.... I remember when you first made mention of the A-20 Project, nearly 2 years ago... the Harpoons and Lodestars were in the final stages of development and the A-20 Havoc was just being laid out on the drawing board. Even in her still almost pre-beta condition, many have stepped up to the plate to help bring her to where she is now. A plethora of repaints from very talented folks and a very promising new feature in the weight and distribution (load out) panel. Not to mention a solid flight model, incredible sounds, awesome paints that come with the package and a very use-able VC... something all of your planes are famous for.
It helps when the community steps in and adds to an already extraordinary project like the A-20, and I believe that support will always be at your side for FS9, as well as FSX so, as "Rosy the Riveter" says: Keep em' Flying!
Ok.. I'll step off me soap box now.![]()
Thanks for the two Russians. You do fine work!!
Here is a WIP of my last C model scheme.
That leaves me with 4 C models and a couple or three of G models in the paint shack.
Here is a WIP of my last C model scheme.
That leaves me with 4 C models and a couple or three of G models in the paint shack.
Still some things to do on this, but progress is being made...![]()