Douglas A20 Havoc

Hallo again Milton,
really I hope not to bore you.
I believe that I found a solution - the fuel gauge of the B26 Marauder suits
quiet well. It shows the quantity of left main, right main, left aux, right aux left bomb bay, right bomb bay tanks via the switch.
I will see if I find a solution for the belly tank. I just have little idea.


Thank you, but after all the hours wellis and I have in these fuel gauges, we are going to use them as a 2D pop up panel. :) We are not going to change everything else now.

You are welcome to use the more accurate gauge for your panel of course and we all appreciate that. :)
I spent a bit more time on this one this evening.


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I really like that one as well SteveB. :applause: That's an interesting color for that part of the world.

This one was painted up in captured German paint, found on the old LW airfield they where using, there was enough too paint two aircraft if they used thinners. It was a night intruder operating over Eastern Poland in late 44.

This one was painted up in captured German paint, found on the old LW airfield they where using, there was enough too paint two aircraft if they used thinners. It was a night intruder operating over Eastern Poland in late 44.


Interesting story Steve. I really like that one. :applause:
I have been a bit busy helping out on the CFS2 conversions of Milton's wonderful model, this has led too me redoing a couple of bits on the RAAF cammo scheme. Also I noted some sloppy work on the underside colours on the engine cowl rings and fixed them. I have already updated the original file, but decided too offer a separate update for those who have already grabbed a copy.



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I have got some more done on this one this evening it's almost done.


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Douglas A20 Havoc scenery

Hallo friends,

can some one give some advice for a nice scenery where to make my test flights?
nice would be a scenery where the A-20s has been produced or tested
Thanks guys, glad you like them. I still have three C models and a G model in my paint shack. I'm just taking a few days off, finishing up some other aircraft that I was playing with before the start of my A20 paint binge.

Douglas A20 Havoc 2d panel

good evening friends,

so as some has seen it my 2d panel is out.
Would be nice to hear (read) if my little work is good enough or things on it has to be reworked.
If I find the time perhaps I will look if a more specific version for the C models can be done as the are some differencies which it would be interesting to work out.
Otherwise I will redive onto the Bronco as there is still the military version to finish.
I hope this panel for the A20G will please you
I hoped to get some scenery advice.
good evening friends,

so as some has seen it my 2d panel is out.
Would be nice to hear (read) if my little work is good enough or things on it has to be reworked.
If I find the time perhaps I will look if a more specific version for the C models can be done as the are some differencies which it would be interesting to work out.
Otherwise I will redive onto the Bronco as there is still the military version to finish.
I hope this panel for the A20G will please you
I hoped to get some scenery advice.

Hello Papi,

The 2D panel looks great. The work you put into this version is obvious. I have not installed it as I am working on a final release for both FS9 and FSX.

I hope you get the feedback you request, and scenery advice as requested.
Douglas A20 Havoc 2d panel

Good evening Milton,
thank you for your lines,
will the final fs9 version change things concerning the panels?
I was near by to include some gauges for exterior effects as gun fire simulation or engine flames
as this will need also some modifications in the aircraft.cfg I did no fellow this way as I do not know what you will the final release.
Yours Papi
Good evening Milton,
thank you for your lines,
will the final fs9 version change things concerning the panels?
I was near by to include some gauges for exterior effects as gun fire simulation or engine flames
as this will need also some modifications in the aircraft.cfg I did no fellow this way as I do not know what you will the final release.
Yours Papi

Hello Papi,

Yes, the panels, gauges, textures, aircraft.cfgs, models, effects, and xml have changed. I believe that Sounds are the only folders that have not changed.

I hope to have the new release available this weekend.
Good evening Milton,
for the week end that would be fine as I'm not at work on monday and tuesday I will see what will be new.
oups as all will change, what will be with the other paints all the friends have almost done?
concerning the flight behavior I have a little problem: when at the disered flight level (most 5000 ft) i put the autopilot on and continue my navigation with the autopilot. When I cut off the autopilot off the nose of the bird goes up in a heavy climb.
I must trim her down and have a lot of trimming to do to find back to a stable straigt on flight.
I'm not sure if this behavior comes from the airplane, or my joystick, or is due to a gauge somewhere.
I had this phenomene on another bird (I believe it was a DC-4) and after having played a bit with the elevator incidence things had become normal.
If nobody have noticed this behavior I must search if it comes from my pc.
Good evening Milton,
for the week end that would be fine as I'm not at work on monday and tuesday I will see what will be new.
oups as all will change, what will be with the other paints all the friends have almost done?
concerning the flight behavior I have a little problem: when at the disered flight level (most 5000 ft) i put the autopilot on and continue my navigation with the autopilot. When I cut off the autopilot off the nose of the bird goes up in a heavy climb.
I must trim her down and have a lot of trimming to do to find back to a stable straigt on flight.
I'm not sure if this behavior comes from the airplane, or my joystick, or is due to a gauge somewhere.
I had this phenomene on another bird (I believe it was a DC-4) and after having played a bit with the elevator incidence things had become normal.
If nobody have noticed this behavior I must search if it comes from my pc.

Papi, the flight model is set for zero trim at cruise speed. Even with that said, I do not have the issue you mention.

When I turn off AP, I see no difference even if trim reads +5 at cruise. It may be related to the Autopilot you use???

since the beginning on this model I use no specefic autopilot.
I just have switches that switch the ap on, than switches to hold altitude, hdg, nav, aproach and gps nav.
I have in doupt my joystick. it is an very old one and hmmm its precision is somewhat discutable.
Milton the next release will it be a so called "gold" edition?
This bird is really a masterpiece for FS2004.
If at Oskosh there would be an flightsim section you (and of course all of your team) certainly would earn a "best of" award.