Douglas A20 Havoc

I have the exterior maps, I haven't had time to get started yet, aside from this I have 3 projects...

Freeware C119 with LDR and the Mallard Turboprop (Four projects if we count the Navion A final touches)

And a Payware project with Iris,

Milton is high on the list, but many of these came onto my desk before the A20 and I have to make some motion.

Will post screenshots as soon as I have anything.

No hurry on my part Rachael ... I am very busy with the Mallard variants for the next 6-8 weeks. And, I have just gotten started on the A-20 VC and that will need another 5-6 weeks of dedicated time to complete after the Mallards. So, you have plenty of time.
Can't wait for this one!!!!

No hurry on my part Rachael ... I am very busy with the Mallard variants for the next 6-8 weeks. And, I have just gotten started on the A-20 VC and that will need another 5-6 weeks of dedicated time to complete after the Mallards. So, you have plenty of time.

A fantastic job on a long missing aircraft... this A20 is bound to be the greatest!!! Compliments Milton
In the meantime, I have done a new 2D panel for it... sort of photoreal...

Available as usual... Clean or with yoke...
Comments and/or suggestions welcome...




Douglas A20 Havoc - 2D panel

Hallo Milton, Hallo friends,
yes "some one" dit put hands on Gaucho_59's panel,LOL
I did an first aproch work to see what will be possible to do.
The Yoke an rudderpedals with the feet move.
For the moment I use mainly the Lodestar and stock DC-3 gauges.
Certainly not definitive.
It is a WIP.What I will need is a cockpit diagramm to see where the gauges and which kind will be used.
have a first look.
Hallo Milton, Hallo friends,
yes "some one" dit put hands on Gaucho_59's panel,LOL
I did an first aproch work to see what will be possible to do.
The Yoke an rudderpedals with the feet move.
For the moment I use mainly the Lodestar and stock DC-3 gauges.
Certainly not definitive.
It is a WIP.What I will need is a cockpit diagramm to see where the gauges and which kind will be used.
have a first look.

Thanks Papi. See if the attached helps in any way.

Here's another pic ...


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Douglas A20 Havoc 2d panel and details

Hallo Milton,

thank you a lot for your help.
I see clearer now.
Fromm my side I have found some thing that is perhaps interesting for you
Hallo Milton, Hallo friends,
yes "some one" dit put hands on Gaucho_59's panel,LOL
I did an first aproch work to see what will be possible to do.
The Yoke an rudderpedals with the feet move.
For the moment I use mainly the Lodestar and stock DC-3 gauges.
Certainly not definitive.
It is a WIP.What I will need is a cockpit diagramm to see where the gauges and which kind will be used.
have a first look.


Noticed that in this WIP the BMP is distorted... i.e.: aspect ratio is wrong and it is elongated wide-wise...
Give me a little time to put the original in the 1024 etc. proportions (right perspective and aspect ratio)
so it is not distorted! (it will only take minor cropping to do it... )

whatever bmp you are using for the throttles... let me have it and I will correct it...
I really hate to see the nice work on the bmp become distorted in the hurry to produce... and come out looking
like a cartoon...

Douglas A20 Havoc 2D-panel

Hallo Carlos, Hallo Milton,

I believe that we would not be in a hurry to make this panel (question to Milton: how many time do we have before the 1. Havoc will be ready to flight?).
So Carlos what I did for the moment is just to see what could be done.
For the moment I changed the right side where the engine gauges are concording to the cockpit photos Milton published here (
For the moment the greatest problem will be the ecu (throttle, prop,mixture) gauge which is angled to right side.
Douglas A20 Havoc 2D-panel

Good night Milton, Carlos,

just to show you in which direction I go with the 2d-panel.
Not shown is the operational yoke nore the pop up little panel with the engine start switches.
Carlos, what I need independant to the corrections you still will do is a background bmp for the engine levers.
I will try if I can do a gauge with the levers tilted to right side

Well. it is flying now but if you mean textured and beta ready then it will likely be mid-Summer.
Douglas A20 Havoc 2D-panel

It took a time before I did understand why you say the Bmp tp be distorted.
My screenshot comes from my flightsim which runs with a 1440x900 screen.
But when working on the panels with fsp I can not work with that screen format but only with 1024 x 768.
so I think that the bmp as you did it would be right.
As I said before what I will need next will be the bmp representing the throttle quadrant but with out the levers to creat a new gauge.
or the bmp of the throttle quadrant as background and the six different levers for left right throttle, mixture and props
As I understand Milton, the Beta of the Havoc will roll out at mid summer time - we have time to make a good panel

Here is the redo...

Just finished the changes I think you desired...

It comprises 3 wit:

1- panel clean
2- yoke
3- control levers



Let me know what you think... there is a minor "gaffe"... (runaway switch plates in the middle of of the sun screen) which I can take
off easily (missed them on the particular layers... simple job to clean up)
Douglas A20 Havoc 2D panel

Good evening Carlos, good evening Milton

please excuse my to have been away fore a moment, but I assed avery bad time I ill not bore you about.
let's talk about - not that(lol) - but the panel;
Thank you carlos for what you did almost.
What i would be pleased about if you could modify the dash board to match the original instruments enhancement (gauges layout)
as on the picture I join. It is a part of docs I got via Milton.
The style you modified the engine levers is just what I wanted.
So please can you send me the bmp of the panel with out the levers and the yoke and the bmp's for each levers so I will try to make an new according and operational gauge out of it.
For the colors, hmmm there it is for the experts to say their opinion, fromm my side I belive that the canopy parts should be more in an "olive-green sheme" - for the experts to say.

Douglas A20 Havoc throttle gauge

Hallo friends,

all the night over I tried to make an operational engine control unit gauge for the havoc
but I failed completly !
I doesn't know how to programm the gauge so the levers would move in a diametric way and that all levers would be the where they should be, and move the way they should.
Can or would some one give me some help for this interesting gauge?

Douglas A20 Havoc throttle gauge

Hallo Friends,

my nervs are blank, I' m tired.
All the night I tried to make this throttle gauge and at last I must admit that my knowledge
is too little and my patience also - and as I am far away to be retired I do not have the time to learn programing.
I join what I have tried to do, perhaps some one else will have the knowledge and will to finish that gauge.

The A-20G is taking a backseat at the moment as we focus on the 3 Mallard models.

Conservatively, I estimate another 300 hours of my time to finish this project (and an equal count of hours by others) , likely putting completion in late Summer (August/September).

Adding two other model variants may add to that time.


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Hallo Milton, Hallo Carlos,

as there was no reaction of my post from January, 20th, I hope that no one of you are angry or bothered with me.
I really was running out my nervs this night. In this case please excuse me.
I have three days of free from work and I put again my nose on the panel.
I will leave the engine control unit a side as really I doesn't see why things go wrong. I leak knowledge about.
Carlos, now what concerns the panel design. I noticed a lot of differencies between your panel and the docs Milton published in his
post from January, 13 th (
Would you rework the main panel bmp so it would match the docs?
For the moment my "bring to life" work is still based on your panel bmp.

Hallo Milton, Hallo Carlos,

as there was no reaction of my post from January, 20th, I hope that no one of you are angry or bothered with me.
I really was running out my nervs this night. In this case please excuse me.
I have three days of free from work and I put again my nose on the panel.
I will leave the engine control unit a side as really I doesn't see why things go wrong. I leak knowledge about.
Carlos, now what concerns the panel design. I noticed a lot of differencies between your panel and the docs Milton published in his
post from January, 13 th (
Would you rework the main panel bmp so it would match the docs?
For the moment my "bring to life" work is still based on your panel bmp.



I have no issues with anything you do.

If we ever get this project done, the panel will likely be different than anything that has been published. The project evolves over time; the panel will have gauges out of my inventory that will be different than what shows in most pictures. Also the pictures that I have shared are all different variations, models, and what we deliver will also be different.

My approach would be to wait for the final product if you want a 2D panel to match. But your approach can be anything you like.

It may be unfair to ask Gaucho to match one of the panel pictures when there are so many different examples, even for the same model. In the end, only you can decide.