Dove for sale! 544 careful owners

Avionics fix mod

Not sure what went wrong so I am re-posting

Hi all,

I like the Dove quite a bit and for my personal use I started to fix the avionics issues highlighted in my previous post. Then I thought Why not to share it with other here?

The fixes are as follows:

(EDIT: don't know how to make the inserted picture appear bigger, sorry)

- ADF can be tuned with the three knobs below the ADF screen
- ADF stand-by and active frequencies can be swapped by clicking on the ADF display
- NAV1 and NAV2 stand-by and active frequencies can be swapped by clicking on the NAV1/NAV2 displays
- VSI now displaying correct value
- Glideslope fixed (before it was reversed)
- Azimuth ring on the VOR1 gauge now rotates together with selected radial
- ADF needle (red) on the RMI gauge is now pointing to the station
- The double green needle on the same RMI gauge is linked to NAV2 (as before there was a NAV2 radio but no gauge linked to it).

Besides, I also changed a bit the way the NAV radios are tuned:
- the left knob tunes MHz and the right knob tunes KHz
- mouse wheel logic for tuning the NAV radios changed to be more intuitive (and in line with common practice in other aircraft addons I believe).

Please note that since many animations are not linear (they are progressive instead), some gauges/needles are still not 100% correct. The linearity of animations can't be changed without editing the 3d model so this is (as far as I know) outside of my powers :) In practice what happens is that for instance with the same rate of CDI course increase, the azimuth ring moves rather slow away from N and then accelerates towards S (and vice versa back to N). I hope this makes sense? By the looks of it, the ADF and VOR2 needles on the RMI gauge demonstrate the same problem as is the heading selector needle on the DG (I can think about a possible workaround but reckon that editing the source file would be definitely a way to go).

Let me know please whether it works fine for you.
Happy landings!

Nice work on those avionics! I had installed a copilot, and she needed something to do!



  • dove-1.jpg
    203 KB · Views: 156
Updated model available with a list of improvements and a new "Gipsy Queen" sound set by Gary Jones.

Thank you for the update Rob!

I haven't found the changelog. Are Milan's avionics fixes built into this, or do we still need his addon?

I have a rotary axis assigned to propeller pitch on all aircraft.

Since installing the latest version of the Dove, the propeller pitch levers move in the opposite direction to all other aircraft. The temporary fix for this is to tick the 'reverse axis' box for pitch control.

However, I've also noticed that the the prop speed itself is inverse to the postion of the levers i.e. the further forward the pitch levers are in the VC, the lower the prop speed ( when they should increase speed ).

Is anyone else seeing these two issues ?
This issue has been dealt with in the latest model.

Ah, I thought I had the latest model but there is a newer latest model! Thanks Rob. :)

May I ask if you have any settings for boost, rpm, airspeed etc for various parts of the flight ? I find myself struggling to get any decent airspeed without pushing the boost up and overspeeding the propellers. In order to attain a cruise speed of 162 knots ( given by the Wikipedia entry for the Dove 7 ), even with the pitch levers fully back, I am still overspeeding the props above 2" boost.

It's a lovely model, of course; one of my favourites in the sim.
Not sure what went wrong so I am re-posting

Hi all,

Let me know please whether it works fine for you.
Happy landings!


Worked fine with Version 1, thanks!

When you update for Version 2 it would be good if you could animate the heading selector, since at the moment heading hold only works if you want to go north!

Cheers and thanks for your work...