Finally pulled the trigger and the download just started. My speed is probably not good enough but tough I am moving forward anyway.
Every few months I ask for more Speed but Scotty says I'm giving you all she got and she can't handle anymore.
Keep in mind I am very Rural
I pay for 10MB down and 3MB up
I don't always get that speed.
My internet comes from the Farmers Silo down the road. I think that tower as we might call it picks up its signal from Another tower over by our farm which is about 2 miles away.
Every few months I ask for more Speed but Scotty says I'm giving you all she got and she can't handle anymore.
I have a Good Greens foil bag of VA Medically legal Animal Face strain Cannabis. Three tugs and you'll be out long enough for the download, LOL!
HA HA HA!!!!! I figured down in your neck of the woods there would be fields of it by now! LOL! Man, I'd get no simming or no modeling done!
Don BP
Too much trouble with groundhogs and deer to grow it Don, but you can bet that the Mountain Hill community has that covered. No, I purchase my medical Cannabis in Lynchburg at the RISE dispensary. We are supposed to be getting one in Danville, but I'll believe it when I see it. I wait until the Good Greens bag , which contains 10.5-gm of delicious looking popcorn sized buds. Animal Face is by far the best strain, but Soul Mate is running a close second. Modeling simply has become too expensive. I use my creative powers in MSFS now. I get little sim flying, mostly testing liveriers and scenery projects. But I have a good system and use the Pro Version of MSFS2020 Map Enhancement tool ($30.00/yr). The ground textures are so good, you loathe the AI ruining it!
Animal Face strain, Mmmmm good!,“High” is also unique.
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