The program is in. While I was at work today I sent it off to download a few of the content updates. US, Canada, New Zealand. Only 20GB this time. It might have been done early this evening but Windows decided to download updates and then complain about a reboot. That seemed to crash FS and it stuck on doing nothing so I rebooted when I got home. It was halfway done with World Update X: USA and the reboot started it over again.
So I now while it is trying to download and install those updates I have been poking in the interface to figure it out.
Found the control settings and trying to setup my Yoke, Rudder Pedals and 4 throttle quadrants. Yoke is set how I normally use it. On to the rudder pedals.
I am expecting to do my first flight early AM US time. Before I have to go to work again. It will be a Piper Cub flight just not sure where yet.
So I now while it is trying to download and install those updates I have been poking in the interface to figure it out.
Found the control settings and trying to setup my Yoke, Rudder Pedals and 4 throttle quadrants. Yoke is set how I normally use it. On to the rudder pedals.
I am expecting to do my first flight early AM US time. Before I have to go to work again. It will be a Piper Cub flight just not sure where yet.