DPC CFS3 Korea

Hi Guys,

Nice work Al.

with regards to release, you have Dakota's blessing above, and over the years while doing work for other addons we have had permission from Corado, Ed Wilson, and a whole heap of other guys who worked on everything from Korean skies through to Rising sun, to modify original works to improve the existing addons, and to include this work into new addons. (It was actually one of Ed's list of of things to do (update KS), but sadly he never had the oppurtunity.)

The only exception to this was the MAW addon, I got permissions to work on some of the aircraft and include them where required but we failed to get permission to make banket changes from the whole team, so MAW sits as it stands at version 1.10 (bit of a shame really)

I do not think there would be one person get upset if you were to release your files as an update for people to install. If people dont want to install it they dont have to download it. Youre not replacing the original download files in the Korean Skies addon your supplying alternate files for people to try if they want to.

thats just my 2 cents,

regards Rob.
I guess I will hold off on this then.

Please by all means go ahead and release your updates. If you drop me a PM I will shoot you my e-mail or PM response granting written permission, I'm willing to take on responsibility for giving the permission you need. I tried to pm you but it said you have PMs disabled.
Update on planes.

F86f Actual top speed 688mph.In the game I have doing 677mph where it was doing about 640 to 650 which is the top speed for the F86a.The AI are done also.

P51 Actual top speed was 437mph.In Korean Skies it did about 350 to 375mph,now it does 427mph.The AI are done also.

F9F Panther Actual top speed was 575mph.In Korean Skies maybe 475,now it does 575mph.I also added new bomb loads.

I'm still working on the Skyraider and Corsair have added new bomb loads.
Be careful when you're doing this work to have the realism settings on true airspeed and not IAS or you'll be thrown off by altitude changes.
Be careful when you're doing this work to have the realism settings on true airspeed and not IAS or you'll be thrown off by altitude changes.

I do alot of research and testing when I work on things,that's one of the reasons it takes me along time to do them.I have over 11 years experience in doing this.

The F86f with the stock and modified airfiles Both have a max stress at between 650 and 660mph at 20000ft.Both are stiff when trying to turn.The F86a reacts the same way with the stock airfile.

The F86 was a better fighter at lower alt.then the Mig15 so they tried to get the Migs to fight at the lower alt.

Below 20000 the F86f with either airfile have a max stress of 690 to 700mph and you can only reach that speed in a dive.They also maneuver much better.With the new airfile the F model is a little faster and can climb a little better but still can't out climb the Mig15.

Even with the mods the range of the planes is effected very little.

On all the planes I'm working on go through all the same testing.
Does CFS3 allow for the moveable stabilizer of the F model? IIRC it was the largest improvement in the design over previous models.
Great to see this getting a revamp. I'd love to work on some textures again, though it has been a while!

I still smile when I see people talking about our work, and even more so when I see the work to improve it. Unfortunately the team kinda fell apart shortly after we released the beta, with a few moving onto the MAW team. Over the years since we release I've lost contact with all the other members of the Dogpatch Crew.

I'm ba-ack! "Sturmvogel" (old name) here. I moved not long after the original beta was released (actually, I think it was released the weekend I moved) back in 2004, I then lost contact with most people. I have only recently bought a new gaming PC and want to get back into my flight sims again (something I believe I've said on this forum before).

I'll be redownloading Korean Skies soon enough, and look forward to perhaps getting some more work done on it.
Welcome back!!
And there is Much Rejoicing!

I think you will find some intersting and amazing new things to play with these days..:applause: :applause:
Oh yea!

Great to see this getting a revamp. I'd love to work on some textures again, though it has been a while!

I'm ba-ack! "Sturmvogel" (old name) here. I moved not long after the original beta was released (actually, I think it was released the weekend I moved) back in 2004, I then lost contact with most people. I have only recently bought a new gaming PC and want to get back into my flight sims again (something I believe I've said on this forum before).

I'll be redownloading Korean Skies soon enough, and look forward to perhaps getting some more work done on it.

Welcome back old friend. been a long time. I also recently reinstalled Korean Skies, not had a lot of free time to enjoy it unfortunately. Besides having 4 kids now I have been beta testing a PvP warbirds game, one that just had the NDA lifted today in fact, World of Warplanes, best way to describe it in short would be CFS1 on the Zone only better.
Welcome back old friend. been a long time. I also recently reinstalled Korean Skies, not had a lot of free time to enjoy it unfortunately. Besides having 4 kids now I have been beta testing a PvP warbirds game, one that just had the NDA lifted today in fact, World of Warplanes, best way to describe it in short would be CFS1 on the Zone only better.

Good to hear from you!

I've been meaning to install CFS3 and KS on the new PC - just haven't gotten around to it. If there are any 'tips' or recommendations for doing so, please let me know (or rather, remind me, as it has been some time).

I have been playing a little bit of War Thunder with a mate from work, and have ventured into FSX a bit over the past few months. Apart from that, haven't really been simming much in recent years.
Have KS in too, just adding extra files courtesy of a freind and aircraft that seem relevant from ETO. It's interesting, especially the developed Pistons; very appreciative of all above work: thankyou.
Looks like most of the Dogpatch Crew file library has been uploaded to the Sim-Outhouse once again. If you search the Add-Ons Library with my name you will find most if not all of the Dogpatch Crews work.