Dragoon 003 mission


Charter Member
I am having a problem with this mission; it crashes on start-up unless i remove the following lines:
<Goal FacilityID="ledra2" Points="1" DamagePercent="40"/>
I am really puzzled :isadizzy:the ledra2 site is in the 1944 global layer and the facility drammont_radar_1 is in the facility folder.So why doen't this mission work in its original version?
ou are talking about a mission included in ETO and not a extra download, am I right?

This one is working fine, there is something wrong for you but I don't know what. Try to open it with the mission builder, sometimes you have a usefull error message.
Yes it is this one I think. I have looked at the mission with the MB but there are no error messages exept that the facility does not list under goals when edited.
I am thinking of redoing the 1944_global_layer.csv unless somebody as a better idea.
Afther some verifications it appears that for some reason the Drammont facility does not register in the goal file even if it is in the 1944_global_layer.csv.but it does register under german facilities under radar(drammont.....) Is there a way to get the program to read all of the 1944_global_layer.csv and make the propper associations?
This is the problem. When you are in era 4, this file should be named "global_layer.csv" and the other ones "1943_global_layer.csv", "bob_global_layer.csv"...

When you run the era swapper, be sure that all folders are closed and no file is open otherwise, there is a risk that a file or a folder is not renamed.

To correct this, you have to rename files in global layer folder manually.
Thanks LZ :icon_lol: for your patience and expertise!
There is nothing like going back to the fundamentals ; afther reviewing my game files you made me notice that the CFS3ETOGLSwapper.bat which is located in the global_layer folder was not there anymore. so that explayned a lot of things.:mix-smi:
So everything is back to normal and the mission and MB work perfectly.

Merry Christmass to all and much rejoycing !:santahat:!:santahat:!
Very Glad you got this sorted out, supected that you had a GSL problem from the things you sent to me..
Bravo LZ..:salute:
And there is Much rejoicing..:applause: