EasyEd - modern - PC-12

Hey All,

Down and safe WSSL.

Nice flight - during my 30 min absence to pick up my daughter the plane only drifted 6 nm west of it's course so I didn't lose much time there. Winds could have been more helpful but you get what you get.


1) Leaving Coco Island - VYCI
2) Ocean everywhere
3) Land ahoy
4) I think Georgetown is on that island on the right
5) Solidly over land
6) WSSL just ahead
7) Unusual approach to WSSL
8) Parked at Seletar
Hey All,

Down and safe WAAA.

Had to go get my daughter before posting. Nice flight - had a 7 - 10 kt tailwind most all the way. Wish I could fly the next leg to Darwin tonite as I think the tailwind would continue but... maybe tomorrow.

1) Seems I been holding up traffic - better get a move on
2) Leaving Singapore
3) Land at last after all that water
4) WRBB where I thought I'd go before deciding on WAAA due to wind is over there beyond the plane
5) Last stretch of water before WAAA
6) Always nice to see that red light appear out of the fog!
7) Approach to WAAA
8) Parked

Hey All

Down and safe YPDN

OK flight - glad I guessed right on the winds and flew the long leg last night and the short one tonight. Winds were barely favorable. Nice to get to OZ! Anybody got a Foster's handy?


1) Leaving WAAA
2) Leaving Malaysia
3) Indonesian Islands before Timor
4) Over Timor
5) Melville Island after a flight across the shark infested - or so says MM - Timor sea
6) Approach to YPDN
7) Parked at darwin

Hey All,

Don't know what I'm going to get for winds but here goes...

Moving on again YPDN - YBMA and beyond... maybe


An Edit: have reset the GPS to Charleville. Right now running with a slight tailwind and 4 to 5 mins "extra" fuel to Charleville. May throttle back slightly for more reserve but in the end the winds will determine success or failure on this leg
Hey All,

Down and safe YBCV

Gosh did I hate coming down - it ain't often you are cruising at 316 kts GS in a PC-12! This leg made up for my very first one. On that one the winds started out as a strong tailwind and steadily died and I eventually had to reduce throttle to get to Bucharest - resulted in my slowest leg of all - very disappointing. This leg started out with headwinds and steadily got better till I hated having to land! 1208nm with 5% fuel still left. One leg to go though.


1) Leaving Darwin
2) Somewhere after leaving Darwin headed SE
3) Australian textures come together
4) Bunch of rivers down there with no clue what they are doing - nice pattern though
5) Nice to see an airport appear out of the fog
6) Approach to Charleville
7) Parked at Charleville any Aussie beer around here that even begins to match Canadian beer? :mixedsmi:

Hey All,

Well it looks like major headwind city ahead plus a lo vis landing but here goes...

Moving on - final leg YBCV - YMEN - Guessing 2:40

Good luck, Ed. Nothing like headwinds and fog to add interest to the finale...;)
Hey All,

Done deal! Great Event many Thanks to the organizing committee!

My slowest average speed leg of the whole event but also the strongest headwind I faced the whole time. All told I'll take it.

Missed my predicted time by 2 mins 2 secs as I was setting up for an ILS which I didn't need - plus the winds were a bit more than I thought. Mighta been real close to right on time if I had just flown straight in instead of circling for the ILS - which as it turns out i didn't need.

I know I could have waited for better winds but that just didn't seem right since the event is supposed to end tomorrow (today by local YMEN time).


1) Leaving YBCV Charleville
2) Somewhere south of Charleville
3) Is there any more perfectly designed and aesthetically beautiful aircraft for its purpose (speed and STOL) anywhere? (Well maybe the Kodiak! :mixedsmi:)
4) The flight deck
5) Melbourne ahead
6) Caught in between! Realizing I didn't need to set up for slow flight down the ILS - lets see how quick we can get on the ground.
7) Think I'll fly one of these next time...
Hey All,

From one 12driver to another Thanks Rob! A great run on your part as well. Now let's see where these 12s end up in the grand scheme of things.

Hey All,

OOPS! Thats what happens when you watch a football game at the same time you land!:redf::redf:

Will fly that 4 miles this evening.
