planejunky, wow really have some great planes there, Do you have vacant for a Colombian aeronautic engineer/aeronautical technical (i have the course but lack the technical licence, however i have experience in metal sheet works)??????
I want to make a second version of almost all my planes, i dont know if you have pics with the missing details to improve the plane
BEst Regards
Eduardo Fadul
planejunky, i want to ask you pics of the cockpit (pilot and copilot), like a 360° in order to know how is the internal structure, the panel, instruments, pedals, stick.
The engine, how you see it through the hole, the exhaust, thing like that
And the details in general, fuel caps, antennas, lights, horns, thing like that.
Nah - lots of caffeine! I live on Mountain Dew!!!LOL. I know what you mean by the A2D2. Only one thing cures that.
Looking forward to the packages.