Eduardo Fadul's PT-19 Cornell

Thanks Eduardo

Feels good getting compliments on one's work, but more so when the person who made the plane originally gives you a thumbs up.

And a big thank you to Eduardo for creating the PT-19 in the first instance. :applause::ernae:
Here's a picture of our PT-19 flying a very nice display with a Stearman on Sunday afternoon.

guys i'm almost done making my paintkit for this bird, if anyone would like the paintkit just let me know :wiggle: also going to makie a kit for the PT-26 (canopy variant) Cornell II
planejunky, wow really have some great planes there, Do you have vacant for a Colombian aeronautic engineer/aeronautical technical (i have the course but lack the technical licence, however i have experience in metal sheet works)?????? :jump:

I want to make a second version of almost all my planes, i dont know if you have pics with the missing details to improve the plane

BEst Regards

Eduardo Fadul
planejunky, wow really have some great planes there, Do you have vacant for a Colombian aeronautic engineer/aeronautical technical (i have the course but lack the technical licence, however i have experience in metal sheet works)?????? :jump:

I want to make a second version of almost all my planes, i dont know if you have pics with the missing details to improve the plane

BEst Regards

Eduardo Fadul

Sure Eduardo, we have some good all round pictures of the PT, and if there's anything specific you need pictures of, I can take them next time I'm in the hangar.

The Stearman is not CFMC's, its owned by someone else and flown from another strip nearby. Personally I think it's the nicest Stearman flying in the UK, and John Terrell did a really nice skin for David Eckert's Stearman for me too! :cool:


planejunky, i want to ask you pics of the cockpit (pilot and copilot), like a 360° in order to know how is the internal structure, the panel, instruments, pedals, stick.

The engine, how you see it through the hole, the exhaust, thing like that

And the details in general, fuel caps, antennas, lights, horns, thing like that.

planejunky, i want to ask you pics of the cockpit (pilot and copilot), like a 360° in order to know how is the internal structure, the panel, instruments, pedals, stick.

The engine, how you see it through the hole, the exhaust, thing like that

And the details in general, fuel caps, antennas, lights, horns, thing like that.


OK, there may be a small wait as I'm not sure when I'll be down the hangar.

I'll take a look at what I have in my current photos and see if there's anything useful in the current archive, but my photos are general pictures of the aircraft, so I reckon I'll have to take some specific pictures for you.

I was searching for some repaints on the PT-19 and came across this thread.

OBIO, have you made your repaints avialable somewhere?

Still have a few tweaks to do..very minor stuff actually...before the package is ready to upload. I was THIS CLOSE to having it done, then my Adult Attention Deficient Disorder kicked in and I wondered off to start nearly a dozen other projects. Happens all the time. My wife says I need pills, lots and lots of pills. Will get back to the Eduardo's PT-19 and RanchoJen's PT-26 and get them both done and uploaded....along with dedicated sound packs for both planes...based on actual recordings of a PT-19.

LOL. I know what you mean by the A2D2. Only one thing cures that. :icon29::icon29:

Looking forward to the packages.

