I have tried to register this .dll files with this UAC control both on and off but it seems to make no difference on my Vista 32 machine,, has anyone got any other possible solutions? .....please
I've found something called User account control, is that the same as 'user access control'? we all know how pedantic computers are.

Yes it is. My bad.....called it access control instead of account control. Went back and edited it so as to avoid confusion. Thanks for having pointed it out.

Now we've sorted out the naming of the UAC, does anyone know how to resolve the problem of what's blocking the installation of this pesky .dll?
No guarentee, but worth a shot. In XP it has been prooven, that for all the various faces of OFF to function properly. Not only MUST the Computer, think in English but the region Must be the US, UK, or South Africa ( Regional Options) in Control Panel

Font size 96 DPI (Display Properties)
You sure you're leaving a space between regsvr32 and msstdfmt.dll ??

Copy and paste the following command....then try. regsvr32 msstdfmt.dll
Hey gang; ITs me again,one of the (before TV guys). I think we need some one to spell out the exact terms and list in order for 32 and 64. I have read all comments and everyone changes it a little,some of us are not experts with these computer monsters.The slightest mistake in wording,spacing,or typing will stop it. I have two OFF2 DVD's that people sent me and I feel that I will wait before I forward any to new people until this infection is corrected. We have people from several countries trying to resolve this.Hey..Thats what starts wars? SLOW DOWN and hepl us dumies please:173go1:
Hi All, I explored my Windows/system32 and lo and behold the MSSTDFMT.DLL is there. So I am wondering why is the system not recognising it's presence? the mystery deepens. I have to confess I am baffled. I would be grateful for any helopful advice.
Hey gang; ITs me again,one of the (before TV guys). I think we need some one to spell out the exact terms and list in order for 32 and 64. I have read all comments and everyone changes it a little,some of us are not experts with these computer monsters.The slightest mistake in wording,spacing,or typing will stop it. I have two OFF2 DVD's that people sent me and I feel that I will wait before I forward any to new people until this infection is corrected. We have people from several countries trying to resolve this.Hey..Thats what starts wars? SLOW DOWN and hepl us dumies please:173go1:
ALL's I can say, is hold your water, before TV guy. As the guys who might be able to provide the instructions you require, are just * * *es and elbows trying to perfect Phase 3, for the people running XP. Of which there are a great many. :ernae:
it can indeed be there

Hi All, I explored my Windows/system32 and lo and behold the MSSTDFMT.DLL is there. So I am wondering why is the system not recognising it's presence? the mystery deepens. I have to confess I am baffled. I would be grateful for any helopful advice.

but if it isnt registered it isnt going to work.

Ok....let's see if this is your problem.

1) Browse to C:\WINDOWS\system32

2) Find the command prompt file. It's listed alphabetically and is simply called "cmd"

3) Right click on the "cmd" file and in the dropdown window, select "run as" and choose administrator.

4) In the command prompt window that pops up, type in regsvr32 msstdfmt.dll

If that doesn't work, tell us exactly what error message vista is returning when you attemtp to register the dll. I do know there were some people running into similar problems with ocx files as well as certain dll's. I think there was at least a partial, if not complete fix included in Service Pack 1 for Vista.


Success, at least partly, The DLL file registered by carrying out you instructions. However, the OFF opening screen appeared and the music played. The caption at tyhe bottom of the screen showed 'multiplayer' clicking it caused the OFF Manager caption to say the programme had not startet and to open the 'workshops' mauially. The programme appeared to have locked and even Task Manager could not unlock it so had to reset the computer. I will explore the FAQ'S to try to find a solution, unless of course you have an idea already.
I'll leave that one for Polovski or someone I haven't a clue.


That's a helluva trick. Editing a post three years before it even appears on the forum...LMAO:icon_lol:

I'll have to strive for clearer sentences in the future:costumes:
Sounds like it dod not initialise yet, also don't click multiplayer yet just see if it works in single player first (QC, Campaign) - - but first go to workshops, I havent seen P2 for a year or so but should be a butt in the middle/upper right, something like "initialise CFS3" or "initialise OFF" whatever, hit that. Zzzzzz
HEY..It's me again(The before TV guy) I have received several E-mails from Germany,USA,and only the lord knows the others. All explain in simple terms how to load the MONSTER "dll" IN QUESTION,BUT ALSO EACH ONE HAS A LITTLE BIT OF A FLIP HERE AND THERE. P lease is there any one in this world using VISTA64 and then can you explain the DLL problem to all of us dubies? I have almost a book full of pages of how to this and that and nothing works. Don't spend any more time on XP,Vista64 is the future....(the guy before TV):banghead::banghead::banghead::isadizzy::isadizzy::isadizzy::censored::censored::censored:
As has been previously hashed out in your off2 thread, we can't know what you need more detail on unless you spell out which steps you don't understand or at what point things aren't working.

You mentioned you don't know how to do simple tasks like move files around, so it is understandable that even basic tasks may be a problem for you. I am betting the instructions you are getting are already pretty simple, so maybe this is not going to work for you.

I can only suggest, as I did in the other thread, to try and get someone with basic computer skills to stop by and help you out with this. Is that an option?