ETO 1.20 downloader issue

The reason why I build a downloader is to save people from having issues with files that come in that are corrupt etc, it seems to work well 99.9% of the time, there is however unfortunately some people that it does not work for, that is why I browse through these forums to make sure everyone is helped out with the file download :)
Jay you have done an outstanding job in resolving the few download issues that folks have encountered. The ETO team appreciates your support.

The reason why I build a downloader is to save people from having issues with files that come in that are corrupt etc, it seems to work well 99.9% of the time, there is however unfortunately some people that it does not work for, that is why I browse through these forums to make sure everyone is helped out with the file download :)
Jay you have done an outstanding job in resolving the few download issues that folks have encountered. The ETO team appreciates your support.

I really agree with this. Keep the download the way you think is better for most of us. Other guys will get things to work at least, as you kindly help in those cases.

Thank you very much :wiggle: