ETO install issue



I've tried to install ETO, but I've ran into a problem.. I have tried making clean install, but for some reason, I only get to choose the language. after I click the game, nothing happens at all. I have the DVD version instead of the double CD pack, and I've removed all old CFS 3.0 files etc after making duplicate of the modded one. any ideas what I could try next? :isadizzy:
Anybody out there able to help this guy? I've thought of everything I can without actually seeing the machine but it still refuses to work.
I am not sure I understand the problem. If it is not a bona fide MS game studios issued CFS3 then it may not work.

The next thing to do if you can't get an unmodded cfs3 install is to take your modded cfs3 and try to use that install to copy the necessary CFS3 files to the CFS3 ETO Expansion directory.
it's a re-release on DVD by Ubisoft. and it is official game, not illegal one..:isadizzy:
I am really sorry Lionis the eto team didn't run into this problem as we didn't install using an ubisoft release. So I am at a loss on what is causing the problem. The only thing to try is to use you modded CFS3 install for your creation of the eto expansion directory prior to the installation of the eto files.

You can manually create an CFS3 ETO Expansion directory. Manually copy and paste your modded CFS3 files to the directory. Then run the ETO installer skipping the 1st portion of the installer which creates the ETO directory and copies the CFS3 files. Then just run the portion that copies the ETO files to the CFS3 ETO Expansion directory.
I think I could explain in different words as I've discussed the problem with him. It isn't about ETO itself, he can't get the autoinstaller to run from the disc meaning that for some reason the vanilla CFS3 refuses to install. I'm suspecting it has to do with the starting menus of Ubisoft release but I can't say for sure. Perhaps someone with the DVD version could, I remember us having someone like that here?
greycap i seem to remmember that the first file on the disc is "ubisoft" not "microssoft" he may still have files under ubisoft registration not under the microsoft registration.lionus check all files again listed as ubisoft.its old info from the dark recesses. :isadizzy:
roger that.

edit: only ubisoft files on my computer are related to IL-2 1946
it's radicial but defrag both drives shut down the computer,unplug it.cfs3 operates in other programs just uninstalling doesn't allways clean all traces. let it compleatly reboot shut down your security sys. then try the install. it has worked before
I've done that few times since I tried last time. all what ahppens is that I get to choose the language, then the screen asks me to choose either game or manuals, and no matter which I choose, nothing happens.:banghead:
unfortunately no. I was just a poor student, this soon 5-years old bucket of maggots is all I have.
linus i hate to blow tapps on ya but i'm idea dry.either you missed a file,have a file still named combat flight simulator-- a bad disc,or computer seem to have covered the bases pretty well. :isadizzy:
okay, I'll see if there's some rogue files running around.. if not.. well, standard CFS 3 with mods is pretty entertaining for me. thanks for helping the newb.
Hi Lionus,

If you were to ask someone in Europe who has the ETO installed and running to burn there game directory and all the desktop short cuts to a DVD (or possibly 2)and send it to you.

Then using the multiCFS3 install program from Martin Wright create a second install of your stock CFS3 in this location.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion

and name this new install as the instruction for the ETO say:

CFS3 ETO Expansion_________

then simple copy the contents of the ETO DVD's into this second install, overwriting everything were asked.

Except maybe for the CFS3.exe this you may need to back up and then put it back into your install so that it calls for your Ubisoft DVD to run the game.

Then put the short cuts onto your desk top and you should be right to go.


regards Rob.
If you were to ask someone in Europe who has the ETO installed and running to burn there game directory and all the desktop short cuts to a DVD (or possibly 2)and send it to you.
I'll take care of that, or actually have already taken. It should be running shortly... the weight on the word "should".
Well, we ( I and Grey) Figured it out, I'm going to give it a shot now. Thumbs up.. :d
Install issue with Ubisoft DVD

Dear Lionus,

I have the Ubisoft DVD version of CFS3, which comes in different laguages and already with version 3.1 of CFS3.
You put the DVD in the drive, then comes a screen to choose the language and after you can choose between "Game" and "Manuals". You should choose Game (for installing the game). And now nothing happens.
Could be that there is a interference from a driver or an old installation of CFS3. I have tried to reproduce the process that leads you to nowhere, unfortunately without success, in my PC the Ubisoft DVD version works well.
If you have widows XP as operating system, I suggest you start the machine in system diagnosis modus, this way you avoid undesirable iterferences. It goes like this : Go to Start , then "Run", write "msconfig" in the tiny window and run it. In the first lapel you will find an alterative called "diagnosissystemstart" or similar. Do it. After the new start, try to install the game. After the game is installed , run again "Msconfig" and start the computer in normal modus. Now you should play the game normally.
Tell me how it goes. Thanks.
we got it fixed, thanks for help though. I wonder if there's possibility of making a thread that would include links to problem solving threads like this?

Oh, and about ETO.. it's great.. but I think that the Italian (I refuse to call CANT German :icon_lol: ) flying boat is missing an engine texture, there's only gray disk where the texture should be.