ETO install issue

How you solve it, if I may ask?
I do not understand the statement about the Italian Flying Boat and who is CANT?
Anyway I am happy you solved your problem.

How you solve it, if I may ask?
I do not understand the statement about the Italian Flying Boat and who is CANT?
Anyway I am happy you solved your problem.

Hi Schaetzle

I can answer to your question, CANT is part of the names of a/c produced by the italian firm C.R.D.A. (Cantieri Riuniti Dell' Adriatico IIRC).
Her production concerned flying boats and bombers, the most famous of which were Cant.Z 501 Gabbiano (Seagull - the one to which Lionus refer to) Cant.Z 506 Airone (another flyingboat) and Cant.Z 1007 Alcione (a bomber).
The "Z" in the name refer to the designer of the planes Eng. Filippo Zappata as was usual in those times like the "R" or the "G" in the names of FIAT fighters for Rosatelli and Gabrielli and the "C" for Castoldi in the names of Macchi planes.

Hoping that this can satisfy your curiosity.

Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying.

^that is correct. it has German paintings in the game, but to me it's Italian, as only Italians could create such an elegant seaplane. :d

and the issue was solved with some tinkering, that didn't require too much computer knowledge. I'm complete butterfinger when it comes to computers..:redf: