European Registry Tracking; Fanliner


Hey guys,

I have been trying to find details on a plane called a Fanliner. Does anyone know how to track ownership of a Euro registry?

The registration on this plane is D-EBFL, German of course.

I would like to find out if there are better pictures of the interior on this wild looking bird. Perhaps finding out where its at might help in getting some pics. It was last seen at Stuttgarts museum I believe, (not sure).

I am fairly positive I have found every single online photo of this plane, but I could be wrong.

Any help and input would be awesome.

Sorry - can't be of much help Bill - here are a few images that you have probably seen already, maybe not.

Mike :isadizzy:
It's hard finding information, even harder finding photos of this aircraft on the web - searched Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia - even and hardly anything comes up.

Did stumble upon some pics of a "Fan-Trainer" - looks really cool ...

Mike :wavey:
Yep, its a real mystery plane. They made 4 I believe, so you would think they would have alot of info on them. One had that wide fuselage pod in one of those photos. D-EBFL seems to be the popular one. But like you said, finding info has been very difficult, especially photos.

I figure I might try to track down the present owner of it. Luigi is presently in China designing windmill generators for the Chinese for the next 2 years.. So that was a dead end...


I also tried tracking the ownership of the registry, but there doesnt seem to be a way that I could find to see who owns it. With most American and Canadian registries, you can see if the plane is still air-worthy, where its at, etc... Not in this case.

If anyone has info on this thing, I would be greatful.

Info on the German register can be found here:

It is not an official register but does show historical info.

The two Fanliners that I have found are D-EBFL and D-EJFL.

D-EBFL had a permit to fly issued in 1976 which expired in 1989.

D-EJFL had a permit to fly issued in 1973 which was cancelled in 1976.

Were there any more?

D-EBFL did reside at Stuttgart Airport terminal

And I'm assuming that you have found these sites: - 0508.html
Info on the German register can be found here:

It is not an official register but does show historical info.

The two Fanliners that I have found are D-EBFL and D-EJFL.

D-EBFL had a permit to fly issued in 1976 which expired in 1989.

D-EJFL had a permit to fly issued in 1973 which was cancelled in 1976.

Were there any more?

D-EBFL did reside at Stuttgart Airport terminal

And I'm assuming that you have found these sites: - 0508.html

Thanks Ian,

The Registry site didnt afford the info on who owns it, but shows its permanently unregistered. Dang. Must be a legislative thing similar to prototype cars.

The other sites I had already found. Thanks though. You never know. The last site was actually an article in a magazine way back then, and has a couple of fuzzy shots of the interior and one of the engine, cowling door open.

I am thinking of just putting in my own gauges, making something sort of sporty and wild.

Thanks again guys for your help on this.

Perhaps I can call Stuttgart's museum and see if someone there might know who owns the Fanliner now.

Thanks Firebar!


That Fantrainer is a sweet looking little bird as well. Would be fun to have one of those.

Oh to dream....

I'll be back in Stuttgart in January or February Bill...if you don't get anything until then I'll try to take a look around over there.
The FanTrainer doesn't use the Wankel engine - lack of power I think.

The Wankel engine was an interesting concept but the rotor seals seemed to be the weak point (IIRC from when I was a lot younger!).

Interesting fact about the Wankel engine in the FanLiner running at constant speed but the fan was varied:

Issues on the famed Wankle rotor seals have long since been cured with new technologies and changes in the designs. They last much longer now. The blocks are also modular, so they can be increased quite easily, such as to 3 or 4 rotors in a row. They are currenly running 3 rotor and I think 4 rotor race cars on the Euro GT circuit. Mazda for instance has a brilliant race car presently that is a strong competitor on the tracks.

The cool thing on the Wankle is that you can run it at near redline for extended periods of time, not at 50 or 75%. The power curve is also continuous, where standard combustion engines have a 'zone' in which they have peak performance at a certain RPM. The Wankle has a curve that begins very low and goes right to redline. (Similar to a turbine in small ways). I dont know though if a Wankle can go into runaway mode, like a Diesel or Turbine. (There are some YouTube movies of guys trying to blow up a wankle engine, and they find it a bit hard to do. The exhaust manifold turns white is about all.. They do pop them though).

Cool, I showed a fantrainer a while back and was hoping someone would make one or something similar, glad you are interested in this Bill!!! :applause::applause::applause:
Hey Robert,

Yep... I fell in love with that baby... Thanks for the heads up on it.

Im just trying to piece the interior together. Guess I'll get to do a few things my own way. I just wanted her as exact as possible.

I am presently working with Aaron Swindel on a really wild soundfile that will sound like a mix between the Wankle and a ducted fan, with a cool Mazda like 'whirr' on the interior.

Should be a fun plane to fly.

One thing though. I want to update the panel. I dont really wish to go with screens, so it will be steam gauges, but I think I will do some that are 'sporty', like early Lamborghini Countach gauges, but a bit modern.


On the Wankel engine bit I recently saw a brochure (i'll have a looksee if I can find it) on a new type of aero engine, I blieve that it was of a rotor type but with developments over the origonal wankel engines. The engine type is, according to my dad (aeronautical engineer) emminently suitable for turbo-compounding, and if properly developed could be the way forward. I think the engine has been fitted in a single verision to a Microlight for testing (as it is as of yet uncertified). The most interesting point about this engine was that you could run it on virtually anything, avgas, avtur etc. The main advertising point was that it was a repalcement for the ancient tech in Lycoming style engines.

If you're looking for ducted fans why not......



BTW these aren't my photos, mine aren't any where near as good as these. However I did do some work on the resotration of this particular aircraft.
I'll be back in Stuttgart in January or February Bill...if you don't get anything until then I'll try to take a look around over there.


Dont go out of your way man. If you happen to be near the Stuttgart airport, and its there, I would be greatful if you could get some detail photos, like around the cockpit interior, etc. But dont do any special long detracted routes to get there. I can just 'wing it' and create area's. Ive done it before.

Thanks for the offer though.

