European Registry Tracking; Fanliner

On the Wankel engine bit I recently saw a brochure (i'll have a looksee if I can find it) on a new type of aero engine, I blieve that it was of a rotor type but with developments over the origonal wankel engines. The engine type is, according to my dad (aeronautical engineer) emminently suitable for turbo-compounding, and if properly developed could be the way forward. I think the engine has been fitted in a single verision to a Microlight for testing (as it is as of yet uncertified). The most interesting point about this engine was that you could run it on virtually anything, avgas, avtur etc. The main advertising point was that it was a repalcement for the ancient tech in Lycoming style engines.

If you're looking for ducted fans why not......

BTW these aren't my photos, mine aren't any where near as good as these. However I did do some work on the resotration of this particular aircraft.

The Optica is a cool design. There was someone making it at

You got to work on it? How cool. Wasnt it made in Great Britain? Must be wild sitting in that all glass cockpit. Pretty wild design.

Yep its an interesting aircraft. Built just up he road from where I live, at Old Sarum Airfield in on of the old WWI hangars (Edgley Aircraft were the first to open the airfiled after getting a 999year lease from the MOD, i think thats how it goes...). The factory was destroyed in an arson (ducks to avoid libel laws) attack, although no proscution ever came of it. The fuel drains on al he burnt out aicraft were found to have been left in the OPEN position.

My dad was chief engineer for Edgley Aircraft and I got involved when John Edgley bought back two of the airframes. G-BOPO has been restored as a type demonstrator, I helped on that project - apprenticey type jobs.

The cockpit has an awsome view, next time i get near BOPO or BMPL i'll take some photos. I'm still owed a flight.....:jump:

take a quick look at The website, its still a bit embryonic.
This might interest people, the attached image is of the inside the optica hangar at old sarum approximately 2-3 weeks before the fire.

(I do apologise for thread hi-jacking :redf:)