EZ-Scenery Hardened Aircraft Shelters

Donation drives

SOH Bandwidth Drive 2025

This donation drive ends in
why do i torture myself? :icon_lol: ironwork done on the TAB-VEE, and she still comes in under 2k polys despite my best efforts to scupper you all.... :icon_lol: it's all there... ironwork, doors, lights...... now to try and logically map it all out..... :icon_lol:
Awesome scenery items by an awesome guy!

Matt, you've pulled out all stops there on this one.

Very impressive work on these hangars.

Proud of you buddy!

Been away from the PC this weekend but just got back and seen these and I'm :jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop: at the quality in such a short amount of time, these will be all over my Flightsim scenery Matt, thank you very much :ernae::ernae:

Matt :salute:
no worries buddy, just finalising the nightmap for the Tab-Vee type HAS... here's a sneaky peek.... note how the light even extends onto the ironwork on the door sections.... still gotta map and texture the Roof Chimneys... the way i have it set is that the shell is one model, the doors and lights is another and the chimneys are yet another, i'll merge them later on into one object and then we're done..
well guys, just uploading the update to my previous HAS', the Update adds the Tab-Vee type and includes My master PSDs so you can customise them... NOW the important thing; the Tab-Vees are in 4 pieces.... these 4 pieces make 1 Tab-Vee, so to get it all lining up place your shell first (Although it doesn't matter what part first), once thats placed DO NOT MOVE... then place the lights, roof vents and doors.... et voila..... one Tab-Vee :salute:

in attached Images Tab-Vee is on the left the other 'Generic HAS' is on the right.....

Download: http://www.spartisim.com/downloads/Smoothies_Airshow.zip