
I fly with both A6 and F111 guys... The side by side seating is indeed quite a prefered arrangement for crew coordination. Even the comfort of having someone next to you make things go less "bump in the night"....

A lot of the global warming hysteria comes from the hubris that natural systems can be quantified, modeled and predicted ( I did research both in glaciology and also computer modeling many years ago). I think a lot of that began with Mac the Knife's systems anaylisis. I knew his under secetary for Systems Anaylisis, Alain Enthoven who later went on to head LTV.

Off the shelf parts work well for, say a truck, but airplanes baloon several pounds with every pound added, design of the claasic A4 showed the benifits of good detail design.

Hey guys. I do still have the source for my F-111, but I'm afraid I'll have to take a rain check on the F-111B. For one thing, there is a distinct lack of photos and information about it. But also, in the case of a model this complex, any significant modifications to it can be as difficult as simply making a new plane. Especially given how long its been since I messed with it.
Hey guys. I do still have the source for my F-111, but I'm afraid I'll have to take a rain check on the F-111B. For one thing, there is a distinct lack of photos and information about it. But also, in the case of a model this complex, any significant modifications to it can be as difficult as simply making a new plane. Especially given how long its been since I messed with it.

Thanks Mike, appreciate the answer. :salute: