F-35 Lightning II version 3.0 for Prepar3D v2.5

Updated configurator and F-35C version added... package is in short final (release date not yet set, but maybe in a couple of weeks - or possibly less than that)...



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Screenshots from the release canditate build...



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Hello Dino,
I cannot get your F-35B (payware version) to hover in P3D V3.1. When I press shf q the doors open but the nozzle keeps pointing backwards. I get the word ‘hover’ in red on the MFD indicating, as I understand it, that my weight is too high, but the payload menu does not seem to work (even if I empty the tanks they are full on my MFD) and even after dumping nearly all my fuel I apparently still am too heavy – or something else is wrong. Can you tell me what to do?
Btw: I see in the manual no key combination for the hover mode. I suppose STOL mode is shf q. Is the hover mode ctl h?
Hi Stickshaker

Do you get the green "STOVL" copyright notice upon loading the aircraft?
If so you should be able to engage STOVL mode anytime (as long as you are below 240 kts and not in an unusual attitude).
STOVL system is indeed engaged by the Tailhook command, while HOVER should be activated by the MFD.

To engage HOVER mode you must be below 40600 lbs gross weight - but it won't engage unless the STOVL software module is properly loaded... more info on the manual (F-35A/docs folder).
Hello Dino,
I think that the problem is that I cannot get the weight below 40.600 lbs. Since I use v3.1 I cannot use tacpac and if I set the weights of fuel and stores to 0 in the fuel and payload menu and press OK nothing happens; the tanks are still full and the stores are still there. Even with all the fuel gone (dumped) the weight still seems too high. Can you please tell me how to get it down? I do see the copyright message for the STOVL gauge.
Thanks for your help,

That is indeed quite strange. The F-35 should work perfectly fine in P3Dv3.1 (even without Tacpack). If you have the green copyright message the STOVL code is loaded.
I am assuming the STOVL system works and you can perform short take-offs.
Then, readings (obviously for the F-35) should be as in the screenshot (taken during hovering in P3DV3.1 - note that configurator will report the correct weight, and the gross weight is shown in both the FUEL and FCS pages):

Basic weight 32500 lbs
Fuel -> as required... in the example, I have dumped fuel down to 3492 lbs
Stores 3893 lbs (default)

Total weight: 39975 lbs -> HOVER ENABLED (control+H or control on the FCS page)

Note that if you have 0 fuel, the STOVL system should power down (as well as the engine of course)

Make sure the installation is correct and there is no conflicting software. I am very positive the F-35 works.



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Hello Dino,

No, I cannot engage STOVL mode either. That is to say: the doors open but the exhaust keeps pointing backwards, as is also shown in the MFD, and the word 'hover' is red, even if I do not select hover but STOVL mode. Even after having dumped nearly all fuel I still cannot get into STOVL mode. And, as I said, I cannot change the fuel and payload in the P3D menu, not even with the engine turned off. When I change values and press OK the old values remain.
I think I installed correctly (as administrator). Is there something I could do wrong there?

You mention conflicting software. What software is known to conflict? I do not think I have any unusual software in use, but one never knows.

Thanks fior your help. Perhaps is helps to note that I installed the Tacpac edition of the MilViz F-86F and there one of the pup-up windows (shf 2; aircraft configuration) appears as a black box, so without content. Does this perhaps point to a common problem with a Tacpac aircraft installed in v3.1 without Tacpac, and could this have something to do with the F-35B problem?
The only conflicting software I know of are AccuSim modules - which do conflict with STOVL functionality (I have not verified this directly - this comes from user reports).
I have several installed aicrafts in P3Dv3.1 and I see no conflict. Tacpack code should not be the culprit here as the code is simply ignored if Tacpack is not installed.
If the nozzle does not rotate, there is something not working in the STOVL module - may be you have denied authorization upon aicraft first run...
Do you see similar malfunctions in -A and -C models?
I have several Accusim airplanes in my P3Dv3.1 and I never had any conflict with the VTOL mode.

Perhaps you were thinking about the AccuFeel module, from the same company ? In that case yes, it's better to deactivate some effects of the module for that plane (there are aircraft-specific settings in the AccuFeel window), to prevent unecessary shaking or sounds. I'm thinking about stall effects and wind volume for example.
Dino, I cannot remember what I did during the first install, but when I re-installed the package a few days ago I was not asked to authorize. Is there a way I can still authorize the module even if I did not do so during the first run? So far I do not see malfunctions in the other models; they seem to fly OK.
Daube, thanks for your suggestion. In my case it cannot be the problem since I do not have AccuFeel installed in P3D (I simply forgot).
Dino, I can now change the payload and fuel, I simply did it wrong earlier. But I still cannot get into STOVL or hover mode.
I just gave it a try in P3D v3.1.
When i loaded the plane, i got the green ribon on top of the screen about the copyright for the VTOL module.
Then I enabled the SVTOL mode with the black button on the left of the main panel: the engine turned to around 60 degres for short take off.

=> The Hover mode was in red.

Then I noticed my fuel tanks were full, so I went to "fuel and payload" menu and set all the left/right tanks to zero. Coming back to the cockpit, I could see on the fuel panel that the center tanks were still full, but the side tanks (including tips) were empty.

=> Hover was still red.

Then I pressed the "dump" function on the fuel panel. The top center fuel tanks began to empty. The Hover writing turned to blue only when the bottom fuel tanks were reached. Then I could click on the "hover" writing on the center panel, and the engine went down to 90 degrees.
Thanks for testing, Daube. I did exactly as you did but the result remains the same as before. The exhaust won't rotate (and the arrows indicating the position of the exhaust on the MFD keep pointing aft) and the word 'hover' remains red, whatever I do. I even re-downloaded the plane. No joy.
I am at a loss what to do.... I cannot imagine what makes your install different from mine.
Dino, are there any files I can send to you so that you can look whether something is wrong with them? Or should I check whether I miss files? I have FSUPC installed.
At the LM P3D forum I was told that P3D v3.1 does not ask whether to trust gauge files when you first run a plane.
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One question: when you activate the dump fuel, do you see the purple fuel levels go down on the right part of the panel ?
Also, did you check your realism settings to ensure unlimited fuel wasn't enabled ?
Yes, I can see the tanks emptying when dumping fuel. And I have unlimited fuel unchecked.
Is it possible that it is some problem with Windows 10? I recently upgraded to it.
Can you post a screenshot of the cockpit view when you have dumped the fuel ?
I'm going to do that as well, to show the differences.
Here are my screenshots: I started the plane on the runway, and I activated the fuel dump until almost all of the tanks were empty.
This is how it looked like just before I reached the very last two fuel tanks. I'm still above the maximum weight, so HOVER is still red.

Then, just two seconds later, I reach the limit, HOVER turns to blue:

I deactivate the fuel dump a bit too late, but at least I can now select the hover mode (not clicked yet in my screen):
Hello Daube,
I only now saw your posts. I installed the plane in FSX and the STOL and hover modes work perfectly! I see exactly the same as in your screenshots. I do not understand why your plane works perfectly in P3D v3.1 and mine does not.
Thank you for all your efforts in making the screenshots etc.! Do you have any suggestions as to what to do next? I can’t think of anything except sending files (i.e. the hover module) to Dino. Perhaps he can to see if anything is wrong with them.

When a plane with "special" gauges doesn't work in P3D, the most common reason is the lack of SimConnect installation.
Did you reinstall simconnect from the "redist" folder inside P3D after your upgrade to Win10 ?