F9F Exhaust


Charter Member
Hi guys,

I've been having the best time with CFS3! Mostly in ETO and MAW, but also Korea.

One question on the F9F. The exhaust graphic shoots straight down instead of straight back. The trailing black smoke is fine, but that first 10 or 12 feet of exhaust, which I think is a different graphic is shooting straight down. It is most noticeable when starting the engine, and not so bad in flight as it is almost clear. Is it possible to fix this? For a layman like me it seems like it would mean rotating the graphic 90 degrees in a file that orients the graphics. Can this be done. Or can someone tell me in what file I might find something like this? If it is a compiled file I won't be able to do anything, but would be glad to dig through a text file to see what I can find.

Thanks! :encouragement:

I've found some exhaust settings in effects.xml that include angles from horizontal and vertical (EmissionAngleHoriz="180" EmissionAngleVert="90"). But as this file affects the entire game and the fact that the exhaust on all the other jets seems to point directly back as it should I'm thinking if I change anything in this file I'll mess up the exhaust on the planes where it displays correctly. I will give it a try later tonight and report back, but I'm not hopeful so any other ideas would be great! I think this fix would need to come at the individual aircraft model files level. The F9F kind of looks like a VTOL when the engine starts up :smile-new:
I think this fix would need to come at the individual aircraft model files level.

Correct! Effects originate from emitters placed by the model designer. In this case the emitter was set with an incorrectly alligned pivot. I'm afraid there's nothing you can do without the model source file. Unless somebody is able to find through hex editing where, within the .m3d file, axis orientation of model parts is stored, which I highly doubt.:wavey:
instead of an emmiter you may be able to set up an effect location in the xdp.

for example this worked for the startup effect in a plane I just tried. you will have to play with the position #'s

<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" PosX="-9.65" PosZ="-0.1" PosY="0.15" />

not sure how well it works for jet exhaust effects :dizzy: dont have time to try it
Hi Kodiak,

in the aircraft xdp file right down the bottom you'll see an effects section. should look something like this.

<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt_jet" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_l" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_haze" MinThrottle="-10" MaxThrottle="400" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_l" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_slow_p80" MinThrottle="-10" MaxThrottle="30" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_l" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_low_p80" MinThrottle="30" MaxThrottle="55" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_l" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_med_p80" MinThrottle="55" MaxThrottle="85" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_l" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_high_p80" MinThrottle="85" MaxThrottle="400" Location="emitter_eng0_exh_l" />
<Effect Type="Shells0" EffectName="fx_shells_s" Location="gun_grp0b0" />
<Effect Type="Shells1" EffectName="fx_shells_s" Location="gun_grp1b0" />

the first one startEngine0 is using the effect called fx_engstrt_jet and its using the emitter_eng0_exh_I as the position on the aircraft to place the visual effect in game. the emmiter is a small dumby node built into the model, and these nodes can have any orientation applied to them in the model. in this case its sounds like effect is calling for a rotaion in the effect, rather than the node being rotated. I say this becuase the same emitter is being used to control the location of the smoke etc which you say is aligned correctly.

As you say changing the effect values in the actual effects.xml may have unwanted results for other things using the same effect. You can use X Y and Z co-ordinates to control the location of an effect instead of modelled emitter locations.
Below is the effects from a P51 in ETO and you can see the engine start is StartEngine0 effect but is locating it with X,Y and Z numbers.
The XY&Z numbers are relevent to a central position in the model X=left and right of centre Y= forward and back of centre, Z=UP and down of centre. use a negitive to go left, down or back and a positive number to go right, up and forward. its a lot of trial and error to set it up. but once you have done it a couple of times it gets easier to judge how big or small a number to use to get the effect placed where you want it.

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_formation_red" PosX="5.32" PosZ="-0.12" PosY="-0.18" MinVel="1" MaxVel="70"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_formation_green" PosX="5.32" PosZ="-0.34" PosY="-0.18" MinVel="1" MaxVel="70"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_formation_yellow" PosX="5.32" PosZ="-0.56" PosY="-0.18" MinVel="1" MaxVel="70"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_nav_green" PosX="5.65" PosZ="-0.15" PosY="-0.09" MinVel="1" MaxVel="70"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_nav_red" PosX="-5.65" PosZ="-0.15" PosY="-0.09" MinVel="1" MaxVel="70"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_tail" PosX="0" PosZ="-6.32" PosY="0.38" MinVel="1" MaxVel="70"></Effect>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" PosX="0.52" PosZ="2.2" PosY="0.0"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" PosX="-0.52" PosZ="2.2" PosY="0.0"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" PosX="0.52" PosZ="1.7" PosY="0.0"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" PosX="0.52" PosZ="1.95" PosY="0.0"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" PosX="0.52" PosZ="2.2" PosY="0.0"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" PosX="-0.52" PosZ="1.7" PosY="0.0"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" PosX="-0.52" PosZ="1.95" PosY="0.0"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" PosX="-0.52" PosZ="2.2" PosY="0.0"/>
<Effect Type="Shells2" EffectName="fx_shells_s" Location="gun_grp2b0"/>
<Effect Type="Shells3" EffectName="fx_shells_s" Location="gun_grp3b0"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_N_gtrail" PosX="5.63" PosY="-0.05" PosZ="-0.4" MinVel="200" MaxVel="205"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_N_gtrail" PosX="-5.63" PosY="-0.05" PosZ="-0.4" MinVel="200" MaxVel="205"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_N_gtrail" PosX="5.63" PosY="-0.05" PosZ="-0.4" MinVel="80" MaxVel="110"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_N_gtrail" PosX="-5.63" PosY="-0.05" PosZ="-0.4" MinVel="80" MaxVel="110"/>

If I get a bit of spare time I'll see if i can sort out the F9 and post what I did so you can make the same change.

regards Rob.
Hi Kodiak,

not sure what happened earlier today, when I posted I thought I was the first replier, did'nt see Luca or Steve's post's at all. so my post seems to be redundant.

I cant edit my previous post, I made it from work without access to CFS3. the three axis orientations are actually:
X = left and right movement. - being left + being right
Y = up and down movement - being down + being up
Z = forward and backwards - being backwards + being forward

between all our posts you should be able to fix your F9.

regards Rob.
Thanks guys, I appreciate all of your responses and I will have a go at trying to fix this based on the information you supplied.

I also appreciate the information and the chance to learn, as based on the information Rob gave me on how to add planes (in the most recent Lancaster thread) I was able to successfully add the Gloster Meteor to KTCS and the second Forgotten War campaign for the RAAF in Aug 1951.

So the time you're taking in these explanations is not going to waste (at least I'll try) :encouragement:

P.S. But if someone figures this out before I do it won't hurt my feelings either...lol
Ok, my first attempts aren't getting anywhere using this code. I kept everything except for the Location="emitter..." portion which I replaced with the x,z,y coordinate information in the xdp file for the F9F:

<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt_jet" PosX="10" PosZ="10" PosY="10" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_haze" MinThrottle="-10" MaxThrottle="400" PosX="10" PosZ="10" PosY="10" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_slow_p80" MinThrottle="-10" MaxThrottle="30" PosX="10" PosZ="10" PosY="10" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_low_p80" MinThrottle="30" MaxThrottle="55" PosX="10" PosZ="10" PosY="10" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_med_p80" MinThrottle="55" MaxThrottle="85" PosX="10" PosZ="10" PosY="10" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_high_p80" MinThrottle="85" MaxThrottle="400" PosX="10" PosZ="10" PosY="10" />
<Effect Type="Shells0" EffectName="fx_shells_s" Location="gun_grp0b0" />
<Effect Type="Shells1" EffectName="fx_shells_s" Location="gun_grp1b0" />

I first tried using "0" (zero) as the value for all three positions and nothing happened, which I kind of expected. But when I put new values in all positions I expected something to happen (good or bad) but the exhaust doesn't move no matter what values I use. Maybe my syntax is not correct?

Here is an image of what I'm trying to fix just for reference:

Thanks for helping me try to fix this!
Hi Kodiak,

Just a quick one, whenever you edit the xdp file or the air.file you need to delete the file with the extension .bdp. the game will build a new one the next time it starts.
The BDP file is like a shorthand version of the compiled information contained in the xdp, air file and .cfg files, this helps the game run a bit faster.

If you do not delete this file the game will continue to run with the old information. If you have deleted the .bdp file and your still having trouble, I'll try to get it going tonight for you.

regards Rob.
Houston, we have liftoff! Thank you, Rob (and everyone)...didn't know about the BDP files so deleted them and now I've moved it...about 10 feet to the right and above the cockpit...lol (I had tossed some big numbers in there trying to get a change I could see before I knew about the BDP files).

BUT...it is pointed straight back like it should so I'll adjust it down into position now. Time for me to go to bed but will start working on it again tomorow.

The Mudpond and Korean Skies models are the same IIRC with very slight differences. This should work on both but you will have to alter the entries to match your own effects.:mixed-smiley-010:

<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_smoke_touchdown" PosX="0.0" PosY="0.0" PosZ="-5.00"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_jet_startup" PosX="0.0" PosY="0.0" PosZ="-5.00"/>
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_haze" MinThrottle="-10" MaxThrottle="200" PosX="0.0" PosY="0.0" PosZ="-5.00"/>
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_slow" MinThrottle="-10" MaxThrottle="30" PosX="0.0" PosY="0.0" PosZ="-5.00"/>
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_low" MinThrottle="30" MaxThrottle="55" PosX="0.0" PosY="0.0" PosZ="-5.00"/>
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_med" MinThrottle="55" MaxThrottle="85" PosX="0.0" PosY="0.0" PosZ="-5.00"/>
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_high" MinThrottle="85" MaxThrottle="200" PosX="0.0" PosY="0.0" PosZ="-5.00"/>
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_fire_high" MinThrottle="75" MaxThrottle="200" PosX="0.0" PosY="0.0" PosZ="-5.00"/>
Ok, I stayed up late and it is fixed (at least to my satisfaction) :triumphant: A "z" value of -5 all the way down seems to do the trick. By using this method instead of the emitter it changes the orientation to "straight back" then its only a matter of moving its starting position straight back, as it starts out under the cockpit. Here is the text:

< Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt_jet" PosX="0" PosZ="-5" PosY="0" />
< Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_haze" MinThrottle="-10" MaxThrottle="400" PosX="0" PosZ="-5" PosY="0" />
< Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_slow_p80" MinThrottle="-10" MaxThrottle="30" PosX="0" PosZ="-5" PosY="0" />
< Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_low_p80" MinThrottle="30" MaxThrottle="55" PosX="0" PosZ="-5" PosY="0" />
< Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_med_p80" MinThrottle="55" MaxThrottle="85" PosX="0" PosZ="-5" PosY="0" />
< Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_high_p80" MinThrottle="85" MaxThrottle="400" PosX="0" PosZ="-5" PosY="0" />
< Effect Type="Shells0" EffectName="fx_shells_s" Location="gun_grp0b0" />
< Effect Type="Shells1" EffectName="fx_shells_s" Location="gun_grp1b0" />
< /Effects>

There were two XDP files for the F9F, one regular one and one that ends in _ai which I assume is different tweaks for AI planes? In any case I changed both files. More experienced eyes might want to look at the end result if this is placed anywhere for others, but I tried to match it to a Mig-15 exhaust as far as depth in the cone and the integer value of -5 seemed to work best.


Now I really have to go to bed!!! :running:
Hi Foo Fighter,

I was typing when you posted your note, so -5 it is then!

And I really like the skin on that F9F...is it one that can be used on the Korean Skies F9F and if so where can I find it. The F9F in Korean Skies only has an instrument panel but nothing below that (but I'm not complaining). If your F9F model can be used in Korean Skies I'd like the skin and maybe the whole plane if it has a complete cockpit.


P.S. I'm really enjoying this KTCS mod as there really hasn't been anything done with Korea since Mig Alley many years ago. My main interest is WWI and WWII but Korea was the last of the pure dogfighting era and also a lot of fun!
Thanks but I'm just a skinner. I believe Jerry Beckwith (Mudpond website) has made the only F-9 available for CFS3. There are several versions of it around (Mudpond, AvHistory and Korean Skies) but the DPC Korean Skies version seems to be just a bit better in terms of texture mapping and mod'ing. And I think that one is derived from the AvHistory model.:dizzy:

Anyway, look for the skin in the download section tonight or tomorrow along with a few extras.
Thanks for these skins, Foo Fighter! I really like that VF-153 two-tone also :encouragement:

Will be fun to try them all out!
not quite. is this cougar in the orea add-on or found somehwere else. dont recall it. can someone post a link.thx.