Hey guys thanks for the kind words. I'm really glad you are enjoying it - still. It's been a few years since I made that, my one and only. I'm still very proud of her, and she still has a home at The Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Hamilton Ontario, Canada on their public flightsimulators.
Regarding repaints, I tried to do a Royal Navy livery but never finished it because I couldn't get the diagonal towing stripes to line up with the underwing parts.
The dome on the wing is supposed to be semi-transparent, as in the real plane has a plexiglass covering where the camera used to be. So a fix for that is not required. That's the way she really is.
I wasn't aware of a gauge needle issue. I'll try and find that fix.
I had the aerodynamics done for me to be as close as possible to the real Firefly, based on the information I gathered in research. The result was amazing, but too real as in, it's a heavy cumbersome beast to fly. It's not as user friendly I guess, and I did receive a few tweaked airfiles from others, one of which I included on the museum's copy, and they are out there for downloading, but I've never settled on one personally. I kind of like that it's a beast to fly, the airfile was well done at my request for real as possible. However, something like the Realair clipped wing Spitfires could be a better "user friendly" replacement airfile I suppose.
I built that plane just because I wanted to see if I could. I did, and was very happy with the result. But, I haven't touched Gmax since. Funny eh? I think I just found the whole process to consuming, and too much sitting and staring at the screen. Hemorrhoids anyone? Get into 3D modeling for that experience. It was frustrating as well. Lots of stress. If I wasn't working on the model, I was thinking about it, and that's all I wanted to do. Solve problems, make more detail...I was addicted. On that model, I used the Unlimited export trick taught to me by Lionheart to get greater detail, but ultimately we couldn't get passed the limits on FS2004, and I lost interest in doing another model. Prepare and FSX are better to model for I'm told, but I remain an FS9 user still. Perhaps one day I'll dive into Prepare.
I'm so pleased to have opened the forum today to see people talking about my model, so thank you boys for your interest in my endeavor. All the best to you!