Fairey Firefly by Doug Smith

Possible Help for a few qustions.

Hi Guys,

I've just finished straining my weak and feeble head, to get this 'beauty' in the air; to a large extent, I think that I've been successful!

So many different things needed tweaking to get her 'useable', at least that's what the other forums say!

1/I downloaded it from this link:- http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=6&id=5085

2/ Re-paints are available from Brit-Sim:- http://www.britsim.com/index.php/en...ts/FS9-FSX-Fairey-Firefly-V-3pack/lang,en-gb/

3/Cockpit Canopy/Dome fix:- http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=17697&d=1420197147

4/New FDE:- http://download982.mediafire.com/d3t652mwm0yg/x5455cbev8mr5n7/Firefly+FDEs+V2.zip

5/ http://dfs2.flightsim.com/download.php?fn=fireflymkvfix.zip

If you can make sense of the read me's; they should help. Took me absolutely ages to get them sorted!

Please don't have a go at me if these don't work for you! I've simply posted the links to save anyone the hassle of trying to find links all over the place!

The only problem that I did come across is the 'Tailhook' won't work for me! (I seem to have a spot of bother with tailhooks for some reason or other!)

Hopefully DaveB will read this, and put things right, hint, hint!:encouragement:

In the mean time, here's a 'screenie' of her:-

Many Thanks to Fnerg!

Hi Fnerg,
As a follow up; I'd just like to say a HUGE THANK YOU for this lovely aircraft! She handles nicely after applying the new FDE's!

I'm in awe of how you got the wingfold mechanism to work; a work of art for certain; well done indeed Sir!

Only two things have so far stumped me are the 'tailhook' as already mentioned and is there a fix for the triple brake gauge background please?

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Thank you ChipShop, I appreciate the kind words, and I'm glad you got her to where you feel comfortable and confident. The tailhook is not assigned by default. In FS9, go to your assignments, scroll down until you come to "Tailhook", and assign Shift-T as the trigger. Check your cfg to make sure this section is included:

tailhook_length= 4.000 ;(feet)
tailhook_position= -14.000, 0.000, -1.000 ;(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical positions from datum

As far as the brake pressure background, I'm not sure what you are seeing. You are using the FS9 model? In FS9? If it's FSx you are having the issue with, I'm sorry I can't help you, it was designed for FS9 and I am not a user of X, or have I ever converted the model for FSX. I know others have, perhaps one of the others here can suggest a fix. Can you provide a photo?

Firefly help

Thank you ChipShop, I appreciate the kind words, and I'm glad you got her to where you feel comfortable and confident. The tailhook is not assigned by default. In FS9, go to your assignments, scroll down until you come to "Tailhook", and assign Shift-T as the trigger. Check your cfg to make sure this section is included:

tailhook_length= 4.000 ;(feet)
tailhook_position= -14.000, 0.000, -1.000 ;(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical positions from datum

As far as the brake pressure background, I'm not sure what you are seeing. You are using the FS9 model? In FS9? If it's FSx you are having the issue with, I'm sorry I can't help you, it was designed for FS9 and I am not a user of X, or have I ever converted the model for FSX. I know others have, perhaps one of the others here can suggest a fix. Can you provide a photo?


Hey Doug,

Great to get your reply; I'm flying her in FSX using napamule's V2FDEs. The gauge just has a blue background. (I'll sort out a cockpit 'screenie' in due course for you.:encouragement:

I'll try those 'tailhook' configs. and report back, many thanks again,
Firefly Tripple brake gauge problem

Hey Doug,

Great to get your reply; I'm flying her in FSX using napamule's V2FDEs. The gauge just has a blue background. (I'll sort out a cockpit 'screenie' in due course for you.:encouragement:

I'll try those 'tailhook' configs. and report back, many thanks again,

Hi again Doug,

I found this shot of the cockpit elsewhere on the forum, it illustrates the 'blue background' to the gauge that I am seeing:-

Perhaps you can provide a fix?

Chipshop, I see you are flying the FSX conversion. Other gauges are blacked out as well. Sorry, I can't help. I'm sure someone who has done the conversion may be able to offer a suggestion. If not, Panel Studio is your friend and you can put whatever brake gauge you like in there.

No Probs!

Ok Doug, Not a problem at all; it doesn't detract from the flying characteristics, so I'll wait and see what is able to be done.
Thanks again,