Fairey Firefly MK 1 @ Flightsim.com

There is a fix out for it also at flightsim.

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Warbirds FS2004/FSX Fairey Firefly Mk1 Fix
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Name: fireflyfix.zip Size: 858,804 Date: 09-08-2009
[SIZE=-1] FS2004/FSX Fairey Firefly Mk1 Fix for use with FIREFLY_MK1.ZIP. If your Firefly is unstable on the ground, replace .air file and aircraft.cfg by the new ones. New .mdl with corrected radiator bitmap. Fix by A.F. Scrub.

Stick with it I see no reason to stop either, being selfish I am hoping it will also work in FSX.


I don't usually stray this far from home being a CFS2 man but I did some Fireflies ( CFS2 )which are available here at the SOH - my paintwork is rough to say the least but Sopwith Chameleon did some skins - thought you might be interested - I use FSDS2

Okey. While talking Fireflies, you could use the texture parts from my new CFS2 upload for her i guess.


I don't usually stray this far from home being a CFS2 man but I did some Fireflies ( CFS2 )which are available here at the SOH - my paintwork is rough to say the least but Sopwith Chameleon did some skins - thought you might be interested - I use FSDS2


Hi baldy,

How can we get a pilot in your planes?



BTW: It's a nice CFS2 plane!
Firefly pilots

I guess the only way would be to do it in the .mdl file - leave it with me


Hi Cees

I just uploaded some revised mdls which put crew in each of my Fireflies - they work in both CFS2 and FS2002 - should show up in the CFS downloads soon.

Don't wanna push you or anything...

No way fellas, I'm seeing this through to the end. :ernae:
Do you have any news on the progress of this gorgeous looking project of yours??

Sorry for the bother!