Ok, here I go with (visual) complaints about the external model of this FREE Tin Lizzy (Tin Goose).
I'm asking if anyone knows the switch that I'm supposed to turn on or off to eliminate the blatant water rippling effect that is present with this aircraft.
To me it looks like some sort of prismatic polycarbonate light diffuser (I had to look that one up

) effect has been applied to it (it just the corrugated metal ribbing fabrication).
This is my video card RTX 3090 24GB, and my MSFS graphics settings, NVIDIA control panel 3D applications, and my NVIDIA game filter settings that are Brightness/Contrast only.
Manage 3D settings in NVIDIA CONTROL PANEL
Program to customize: Microsoft Flight Simulator
Image Scaling ...................................... Use global setting
Ambient Occlusion .................................... Not supported for this application
Anisotropic filtering ............................... Application-controlled
Antialiasing-FXAA .................................... OFF
Antialiasing Gamma correction ........................ ON
Antialiasing-Mode .................................... Application-controlled
Antialiasing-Setting ................................. Application-controlled
Antialiasing-Transparency ........................... OFF
Background Application Max Frame Rate ................ OFF
CUDA GPUs ............................................ All
Low Latency Mode ..................................... OFF
Max Frame Rate ....................................... OFF
Multi-Frame Sampled AA (MFAA) ........................ Not supported for this application
OpenGL GDI compatibility ............................ AUTO
OpenGL rendering GPU ................................. AUTO-select
Power management mode ................................ Normal
Preferred refresh rate (G32QC) ....................... Application-controlled
Texture filtering-Anisotropic sample option ......... OFF
Texture filtering-Negative LOD bias .................. ALLOW
Texture filtering-Quality ............................ QUALITY
Texture filtering-Trilinear optimization ............. ON
Threaded optimization ................................ AUTO
Triple buffering ..................................... OFF
Vetical sync ......................................... Use the 3D application
Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames .................. 1
Virtual Reality-Variable Rate Super Sampling ......... Not supported for this application
Vulkan/OpenGL present method ......................... AUTO
These were my MSFS graphics settings were before I made any change.
Screenshot (3522) by
Donald McCann, on Flickr
Screenshot (3523) by
Donald McCann, on Flickr
Screenshot (3524) by
Donald McCann, on Flickr
Screenshot (3497) by
Donald McCann, on Flickr
Screenshot (3501) by
Donald McCann, on Flickr
I made these changes to MSFS Graphics setting (note on the last one I turned BLOOM off ... in the
red oval) Now let's stress that ol' RTX 3090 .......
Screenshot (3525) by
Donald McCann, on Flickr
Screenshot (3526) by
Donald McCann, on Flickr
continued .............