Flame On!
Don't worry, the rearward vision in the SE5a ain't no better with a Trackir.
Good stuff! Thanks for the feedback. My EIII pilot stalled out last night and couldn't recover before becoming a part of the French landscape. So, I now have the opportunity to try a different a/c. I flew a few alb. in quick flight to see what I thought. Wow, what a difference!
I think I'll stick with the Germans for a while and try my hand in an Albatros.
I went in late last night and tried the SE5 Viper. I like the speed.Good rearward visibility.
Seems agile enough. It's a keeper! :ernae:
Vee don't need rockets, Gimpy, to shred olive and earthbrown planez into stripes and let zose rain down over ze mud. Just 1.000 roundz, and ze patience to get and keep zose crumpetz inbetween our gunz... Ruahahahaarr!!! Der Bordeauxred Baron (my dark alter ego - see pic!)