Favourite Civil Two Seaters?

Can you please satisfy my curiosity - who is & where can one find 'Geds Percivals'?


it's a singular, his Prentice. http://pavaservices.co.uk/cfs/ currently under (re) construction, but before his last retirement he released a beta. Seems unavailable but thank goodness he's back from the brink and back building planes, his are some of my favourite ever CFS2/FS9 planes.

One (two) things I like about threads like this are getting a heads-up about something you missed and a reminder about something that's been collecting dust in the back of the hanger.
Thanks - that now rings a bell in my poor befuddled head!!!!! He is doing an update slowly & actually has asked me to see if I can help improve the FDE!! I just didn't recognise the psedonym! The interim update is on his website (I seem to have lost his web address at the moment!) & I am just waiting for some details of the Pilots notes from Martin!

edit: Just found the link for Jed (Jeff Marsh) - www.pavaservices.co.uk/CFS/Prentice.htm although he says its for CFS it does work in FS9
Flying Two Planes at Once!

The ICP Savannah was mentioned here, and that's an interesting plane. ICP used to be the European distributor for Zenair, and the Savannah is a dead ringer for the CH 701. On their website Zenair claims it's an unauthorized copy that ICP is selling, so you could say when you fly the Savannah, you're also flying Chris Heintz's CH 701. Two planes in one!

It's actually a four seater, but I enjoy the STOL performance of Brian Gladden's CH 801. It even has a cargo pod.
The ICP Savannah was mentioned here, and that's an interesting plane. ICP used to be the European distributor for Zenair, and the Savannah is a dead ringer for the CH 701. On their website Zenair claims it's an unauthorized copy that ICP is selling, so you could say when you fly the Savannah, you're also flying Chris Heintz's CH 701. Two planes in one!

You know, you could get Chris Heintz's CH-701 STOL here: http://simviation.com/1/search?submit=1&keywords=ch+701+stol&x=0&y=0 (the one by Bill Holker):kilroy:
I fly mainly low/slow civilian jobs. So many of those mentioned are permanently in my hangar. Two that I fly frequently not mentioned yet (unless I missed them) are the absolutely wonderful Aeronca K and Ryan SC by Steven Myers (and anything else by him) and Lionheart's fabulous payware Wittmann Tailwind. Another that has been in my hangar for years is the strange little Anderson-Greenwood Model 14, by Tim Conrad. It is a beautiful model that can be seen here: http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/content.php?113-Zip-View&cm=list&fid=88160



Yeah, the A-G's a sweet little ship and by all accounts it's a very nice aircraft to fly in the real world, too. Too bad it didn't go into bigger production. It'd be one of those aircraft I'd like to see revived as an LSA, along with the Ercoupe, using modern, lightweight composite materials and the superb Rotax 912 engine. One of the last remaining A-G Model 14's is up for sale over at Courtesy Aircraft Sales if you've got $64K laying about.

As long as we're talking about small aircraft to fly low and slow I'd like to recommend a place to fly them. I've looked at several virtual airlines over the last couple of years and a few months ago I joined St Paul Virtual Airline and it's great. They have a Bush/VFR section and that's where I do almost all of my flying now. You need to do one regular required vfr flight a month and then you can fly any of their flights, vfr bush type, from all over the world. They have about 2000 of them setup in flight tours. The whole thing is free. http://www.stpaulairlines.com/
Thought I'd add a couple more; Bill Lyons Luscombe, and the freeware 2 seater Pitts Specials,
and Dave Eckerts' Stearman, and a three seater, Bill Lyons Travel Air.


Having been away for a while with the Broussard, have only today been able to sit down and read through the threads.

As to my favourites, I could of course be very biased and go for the ones that have been created by Messrs Molyneaux, Horsey and myself over at Britsim, but have a number of others that grace my virtual hangar from time to time, including the Porterfield, the Eurostar, Jungmann, Foxbat and Chipmunk.

Happy Landings,

T6 Flyer, your post reminded me, I've had a world of fun with the Austers. The Aiglet being my favorite.

What a coincidence. I had never heard of the Auster. Last week I purchased Discover Great Britain and it arrived in the mail today. Comes with an Auster.
For plenty of choice for Austers, go to Britsim.com, they have a very big choice! And they're free! (Lots of other UK types too.)
+1 on Auster/Taylorcraft plus C. I've often wished for a modern, well done model of An American Taylorcraft BC-12, or a nice Aeronca Chief, on the order of the simflight3d cessnas but with a more user friendly texture mapping.

Has anyone mentioned the RealAir Scout package??? Or how about the wonderful little Corben Baby Ace by Craig Richardson. A true work of art. Course it's a single seater.
I almost forgot the RealAir Sf260. Really nice.

AND.... Dave Hanvey and Paul Barry's Hawker Sea Fury T.Mk20 Amphibian variant. The ultimate bush plane for those back woods fishing trips and treasure hunting expeditions. When you really got to get the heck outta' somewhere FAST! Indiana Jones would have loved this plane...:cowboy:

For all-round good flying manners, ( and an excellent paneland VC ), high on my list for some "low and slow" is Lionhearts Bucker Bestmann.