Having worked with the contacts and flight dynamics of a number of Ito'san's aircraft, the virtual and visual airplanes can be in very different places! A program such as the dear departed Aircraft Container Manager and also Airwrench can be very helpful in getting one of these on the right road.
Interesting plane, sort of a stringbag Stuka combo. Martlets would have had fun with those! Fixed gear planes have very bad ditching properties!
Yes, true in this case also, although this one seems fairly close. I have seen some others (not Ito's) where the contacts and visual seemed to be in different counties.Having worked with the contacts and flight dynamics of a number of Ito'san's aircraft, the virtual and visual airplanes can be in very different places!
Just saw this @ Flightsim ...
FS2004 Fieseler Fi-167 Modifications
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Name: fieselerfix.zip Size: 110,148 Date: 06-04-2010
FS2004 Fieseler Fi-167 Modifications. Original by Kazunori Ito (FI167_TJAQ.ZIP). Changes to the aircraft and air cfg files mainly with minor changes to the panel cfg file also. By Ricardo Jones.
FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Warbirds FS2004 Messerschmitt Me 109 T
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Name: me109t.zip Size: 3,953,165 Date: 12-28-2007 Downloads: 1,651
[SIZE=-1]FS2004 Messerschmitt Me 109 T fighter. The Messerschmitt Me 109T was the projected carrier version of the Me 109E model. By J.R. Lucariny.
The Bf-109E-1 was used as the basis for a German naval fighter built by Fiesler, the "Bf-109T", with the "T" standing for "Traeger (Carrier)". The "Toni" was to be used on board the German aircraft carriers GRAF ZEPPELIN, which was launched but never completed for operations, and PETER STRASSER, which was never built.
The Bf-109T featured folding wings with longer span, arrester hook in front of the tailwheel, catapult attachment gear, spoilers on top of the wings, interconnected ailerons and flaps, and full-span leading-edge slats. Ten "Bf-109T-0" preproduction aircraft and 60 "Bf-109T-1" production aircraft were ordered from Fiesler, since Messerschmitt was too heavily committed to existing production orders to do the job themselves.
Fiesler delivered the ten Bf-109T-0s. However, work on the carriers was abandoned and the 60 Bf-109Ts were completed in 1941 as land-based fighters designated the "Bf-109T-2", stripped of such carrier-specific gear as could be removed. They had twin MG-17 7.9 millimeter guns in the cowling and an MG-FF cannon under each wing, and were fitted with a centerline rack for bombs or drop tank. They had excellent short-field performance and were assigned to short-length fields in Norway, where they provided excellent service. In 1942, they were moved to the German island of Heligoland and remained in service until 1944.
Just tried out the flight fix by Ricardo Jones. It's very flyable and I think that except for an individual's preference of how it ought to fly is a good replacement. But I'm an individual and nitpicker so I'm going to pick on this a bit to make it a bit more responsive. I found it a little too sedate. If anyone else wants I'll post what I do and you can decide. I've found no vids of this aircraft but I think vids of Swordfish and the like are out there for reference.
A...ummm...proof of theory flight model?