FDE Updates for Fiesler Fi-167

With these settings, it doesn't like pushing back, it goes all of a tremble for about 1 minute, then throws itself on its back and buries itself in the tarmac. dead.

It's not quite that bad for me. I have too firewall it to get down the runway before it beats itself to pieces. Someone stashed a good batch of high-bred mexican jumping beans in the plane somewhere!!!:jump::jump::jump:......:jump::jump:
Thanks for the input fellows. I moved the empty weight CoG forward and up, let ACM redial the pitch/roll/yaw MOI's, and then twiddled around with almost everything else that was thrown out of wack by the first adjustment. Magic number for full flap descent seems to be 33-34 knots, elevators hard up, pitch controled with throttle. Any less airspeed, you get out-voted by gravity. You may wish to fiddle around with less than full fuel load, and see what numbers are generated, I haven't had time to get to that...

LoL...and it doesn't explode on pushback anymore.

Let's see how this version works.