Fire Power P-51D Repaint?

Grief, John, how do you manage to do them that quickly? It takes me days at the very least!
Well it was two nights actually, and I cut the rivet count down a bit, then lifted a few bits from my AvH template! :d
Bravo/4, would you be so kind as to upload those two great skins and any others you have to your skin shop. They look excellent! :woot:

Edit: Oopps, I just found the post telling where they are...
Hi Guys,

John sweet skins mate :ernae:

Guys is there any way to purchase just this new P51? I have already purchased Firepower several years ago, and dont fly FS9 or FSX.

I'm not keen on rebuying firepower to get this new plane, but it looks so damn nice, I want it LOL.

regards Rob.
I wonder if anyone would be up to the challenge of doing a Firepower P-51D like the AVG (camo and sharksmouth. the works) and as a personal request, maybe one like this:

They did such a great job on the model and pit, its hard to believe they put so little effort into that stock skin. Thats OK, Bravo made it right for us.