It's a made up price in my head. The point is PMDG used P3D as an excuse to hike up their prices since P3D technically wasn't an "entertainment" title. MSFS is so the prices should be a lot lower but it's likely that they won't.
But you are absolutely correct... I won't buy it if it's too much.
Seems an slightly odd way of looking at it. its the same amount if not ( usually is ) more work and surely that should be paid for. This is not really aimed at ryanbatc just he happens to have brought it up this time. It could have been me... but then I would be talking to myself?
Heres a run down from a consumers point of view .
MSFS is an entertainment product and ostensibly *should* have more users running it than P3d/fsx. SO you would think that prices would be less due to a larger market, however ( I am not commenting on the price points and decision made by other devs btw only on the thinking that it is easier/entertainment licence= cheaper/larger market point ).
From a devs point of view there is
1. More work involved as if you follow Asobos guidelines to the letter there will be at least 4 LODS for both the interior and the exterior. Amongst a host of other things.
2. The coding is a lot more difficult to achieve the same result that you could get in P3D.
3. The support is often greater. Despite writing and linking to a guide on how to install the carboard spitfire we recently put out I have received a few ( 3 ) emails on how to install it.
Or to use a metaphor which of the following is going to cost more
A plumber who comes to your house to put in a tap and you have removed the walls, got rid of everything in his way and have sourced everything he needs
The plumber who needs to remove all your stuff from the bathroom, rip down some of the walls and source the taps etc him/herself.
If a plumber has 20 contracts lined up should he then lower his price point due to a larger demand? Would you expect him to ? I'm pretty sure he wouldnt.
TL;DR : why should a dev who has had to spend more money/time research and development be "required" to sell it for less than it is worth due to a shift in the licencing or some other perceived change?
Again not aimed at you really ryanbatc just happened to be that you were the one that brought it up so please dont take it the wrong way genuinely interested in the thinking behind this standpoint.
Happy holidays BTW.

< wrong emoji but you know.