Flight 19 - Round Engines


New member
Good Afternoon all!:wavey:

Here we are at KGNB preparing the DC-6's for the beginning of the our flight to the windy city. Dudley got the 6A ready to go, and he also hired a Load master to handle all the loading and unloading of the planes cargo, this sure is going to help us thru out this adventure.:applause:

Well, even after the free for all on our arrival at Lincoln, NE. We are kind of excited about flying the DCs and those big round engines. hehe,:playful: OK, the flight will be from Lincoln (KGBN) to Ottumiva, Industrial, Iowa (KLBF). The next flight will be from KLBF to KINK.:running:

So all stick with us, and see what kind of trouble Flight 19er can get into. lol.:devilish: :untroubled:
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Dudley got the 6A ready to go, and he also hired a Load master to handle all the loading and unloading of the planes cargo, this sure is going to help us thru out this adventure.:applause:

CARGO! I just had the self-loading variety waiting by the fence and I told the trolley-dolly to keep the doors shut as I didn't want that riff-raff on my nice shiny new 6! We had a very cosy flight with just the two of us thanks very much! :devilish:
:untroubled: As most of you noticed that we, Flight 19, didn't fly last night. We were involved in some kind of legal thing. I believe that it was taken care of and we should be in the Air tonight'

:untroubled:Howdy folks,

Needed to load up kind of fast this AM. Under the supervision of our loadmaster, who by the way is named Andy, the plane was loaded very quick, and we had a cargo of mix items and a big crate of frozen Alaska King Crab that needed to be delivered to Lincoln ASAP. So what in the heck is new about that! Fired up the four round engines and headed for the runway, Now we were taking off before, not by much, Flight 19. Sure didn't help much, we hit something and started to fall like a big rock, and it also blew us way off of course. It took us a wee bit to get back to our assigned altitude and course, but we made it and we were around ten miles behind the flight. hehe, the early take off sure in the heck didn't help! Any way we made it to Lincoln, and when finally got park and a truck from some fancy restaurant, I guess and demanded that there cargo be unloaded first, and the way he said it,now this kind of talk raised the hair on the back of my neck, and I ready to give them something to talk about over a beer, hehe if they could talk at all, ah...shuck god Old Dudley calmed me and Andy down.
Dudley told me that one of these days he won't be around when I get like that and may end on the short end.:beaten:. Hot Dog! all ended well! After the plane was unloaded and secured we took off to the local greasy spoon for some good chow, and a nice hot cup of coffee:running: shucks, it might be good hehe. See you all later:devilish:
:applause: If any of you would like to follow along we will be leaving Lincoln KLNK and heading to Ottwmiva, Industrial. KOTM. If you like, come fly with us.:jump:
Hello all!:wavey:

We all made it to Chicago, and got a hot meal, and some sort of drink, hehe, I just let you guess what! :very_drunk: The flight will continue on Southward :running:under this title or a new title. I am going to add a picture showing the beautiful weather we had on most of the trip. So folks stay tuned to Flight 19 the most infamous Flyer. hehe.:devilish: