As Paul would say, it was an "interesting" flight. I was using the airbrakes to keep from getting too far out ahead of the group and forgot I had them on. Next thing I know, the stall light comes on and I'm falling out of the sky. Eventually, I manage to get the nose down and get enough airspeed back up to get some semblence of control. Airspeed comes back up over 200 and I flip otto back on. Apparenty otto seemed to think that altitude hold means climb straight up. Anyway we got up about FL390, before that difference of opinion was settled to my satisfaction. Still a ways out of DAAZ and I do a slow descent in that direction. While I'm going slow the others get way ahead of me, so I leveled off at about 6000 and open the throttle to just under the point that the afterburner kicks in.
Anyways, there I am minding my own bidness playing with the radio/cd player, doing Mach 1 and realize that I'm only 10nm out from the airfield. Chop the throttle and hit the brakes. At approach speeds, instability is the Ford's middle name. Did some fancy manuvers on approach and ended up landing on the right main, but it all worked out and it's BBQ time!