Some people question including military planes in MSFS, because it's a civilian sim.
Some people question including historic planes that aren't flying anymore, because it's a sim of the modern world.
Some people question including a Pelican, because the idea of a futuristic VTOL fantasy craft isn't to their tastes.
Some people question including Airbuses, because If It Ain't Boeing, I'm not going.
Some people question including Reno Air Races, because they don't even realize air racing is a real thing. (This one blew my mind.)
TL;DR: People are interested in different things, and have different priorities, and even some of us who do enjoy doing a real IFR flight using real procedures also enjoy jumping in a fantasy hypersonic plane and visiting the stratosphere at Mach 10. A sim that can make all of those people happy to some degree is a good thing, not a problem. Microsoft helping keep some third-party developer's doors open by tossing them some money to build a fantasy plane doesn't affect Asobo's work on core sim features at all. (And it helps open up new flight envelopes for, say, a future realistic X-15.)
If you don't like it, don't fly it.
As a die-hard aviation fan who grew up on Star Trek, I'm absolutely delighted that I'll be able to fly a DC-3, a Beaver, an F-15D, and a Pelican, all over an incredible recreation of an entire populated planet.