Flight Simulator 40th Anniversary Announcement

Some people question including military planes in MSFS, because it's a civilian sim.

If you don't like it, don't fly it. :) As a die-hard aviation fan who grew up on Star Trek, I'm absolutely delighted that I'll be able to fly a DC-3, a Beaver, an F-15D, and a Pelican, all over an incredible recreation of an entire populated planet.

Agreed. But all the same...need a manual or a hint to teach people how to fly it. This way trying right/wrong, no joy. Useless to me and I speak only for myself gf course...

- More helicopters planned, of course
- Seb and the other developer coding the flight model were visiting Guimbal at the time of recording meeting with test pilots
- Guimbal wants to ensure the helicopters are done "right"
- 10 or so helipads coming in November, researchers on the team are currently looking for a global database of helipads. If you can help, get in contact with Jorg
- landing on moving platforms; discussions happening, work has not started yet
- looking at adding "all of the oil rigs in the world", "we're going to do it, there's no question. it's just time"
- historical helicopters, nothing planned but Jorg is open to it
- "looking into" sling loading
- in regards to the "10 year life cycle", "we aren't just leaving once the ten years is up", development will continue as long as its profitible
- "right this moment, I think we have 4 times the audience then when we launched" (To put that into perspective, here is an image that the team shared 1 month after release in 2020 https://i0.wp.com/news.xbox.com/en-.../sites/2/2020/12/Momentum_2M_Final_HERO-1.jpg)