Charter Member
Hello all existing (and hopefully new) Canberra customers!
In preparation for the new B-57A pack release, I have finally gone through the existing packs and made a series of updates to bring them in to line with the later releases. As a result, all packs now have the following updates/fixes made to them:
- Autopilot 2D panel (Shift-6).
- Stores Release panel (Shift-7). This allows easier release of stores and jettison of drop tanks.
-More accurate red-tint night lighting to all 2D panels
Bug fixes:
-Raised pilot and seat height on earlier packs to correct height.
-Fixed 'parked config' bug so that parts are now controlled strictly through the Parking Brake key setting, and will not display incorrectly during multiplayer or FS recorder playbacks.
-Smoky cart start engine startups are now set to the startup effects line in the .cfg file to ensure that they fire correctly every time. This is not entirely accurate in real-world terms, but solves this commonly-reported problem.
These updates are offered free to existing customers; all you need to do is contact me at: orders at and I will cross-reference your email and send you a new download link for the pack/s you bought previously.
Thanks for your continued support and interest, and stay tuned for the pending release of the Martin B-57A pack.
In preparation for the new B-57A pack release, I have finally gone through the existing packs and made a series of updates to bring them in to line with the later releases. As a result, all packs now have the following updates/fixes made to them:
- Autopilot 2D panel (Shift-6).
- Stores Release panel (Shift-7). This allows easier release of stores and jettison of drop tanks.
-More accurate red-tint night lighting to all 2D panels
Bug fixes:
-Raised pilot and seat height on earlier packs to correct height.
-Fixed 'parked config' bug so that parts are now controlled strictly through the Parking Brake key setting, and will not display incorrectly during multiplayer or FS recorder playbacks.
-Smoky cart start engine startups are now set to the startup effects line in the .cfg file to ensure that they fire correctly every time. This is not entirely accurate in real-world terms, but solves this commonly-reported problem.
These updates are offered free to existing customers; all you need to do is contact me at: orders at and I will cross-reference your email and send you a new download link for the pack/s you bought previously.
Thanks for your continued support and interest, and stay tuned for the pending release of the Martin B-57A pack.