Flying Stations Canberra pack updates


Charter Member
Hello all existing (and hopefully new) Canberra customers!

In preparation for the new B-57A pack release, I have finally gone through the existing packs and made a series of updates to bring them in to line with the later releases. As a result, all packs now have the following updates/fixes made to them:


- Autopilot 2D panel (Shift-6).
- Stores Release panel (Shift-7). This allows easier release of stores and jettison of drop tanks.
-More accurate red-tint night lighting to all 2D panels

Bug fixes:

-Raised pilot and seat height on earlier packs to correct height.
-Fixed 'parked config' bug so that parts are now controlled strictly through the Parking Brake key setting, and will not display incorrectly during multiplayer or FS recorder playbacks.
-Smoky cart start engine startups are now set to the startup effects line in the .cfg file to ensure that they fire correctly every time. This is not entirely accurate in real-world terms, but solves this commonly-reported problem.

These updates are offered free to existing customers; all you need to do is contact me at: orders at and I will cross-reference your email and send you a new download link for the pack/s you bought previously.

Thanks for your continued support and interest, and stay tuned for the pending release of the Martin B-57A pack.


Chaps, I have sent you your new download links - I accidentally sent you the B57A pack; not that I doubt you will still d/l it later but I have disabled those links as it is still not officially released. That automated system of re-sending the packs was just a little too effective!
Hi Jamie,

not a problem at all.

One thing I have to ask again of any requesters, please can you specify which packs you previously bought as it makes my task of matching up much quicker and easier - and you get the links faster that way! Cheers.
Thanks, Steve.

All updates downloaded this morning, and will install this evening.

Based on the list of bug fixes, the updates primairly address panels, gauges and smoke (I assume). So were there any changes to the aircraft.cfg? Reason I ask is to have a plan for preserving all the changes made to call signs, added repaints, etc.

Yes - changes to the lights config and effects lines, so you will have to replace the cfg files I'm afraid. Make sure to save any repaint data entries you had before wiping over.

The trainers (T4, T11, T17 & TT18) still have fx_canb_start entries in the lights section on the updated aircraft.cfg. Was that intentional? :kilroy:

Hi WH,

I'm not seeing that myself in the trainers pack - Can you double check the cfgs again? Can anyone else confirm this?
Here.. this is copied from the aircraft.cfg for the T4, directly from the zip file downloaded this morning.

//coords go: y, x, z, with negative meaning left or behind the datum point.
//SHOCKWAVE CONFIG - uncomment as needed
//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing 6=taxi 7=recognition 8=wing 9=logo 10=cabin
// tailcone light
//light.1=3, -36.8, 0, 2, fx_shockwave_navwhi

//wingtip lights
//light.2=3, 2.1, -31.9, 1.25, fx_shockwave_navred
//light.3=3, 2.1, 31.9, 1.25, fx_shockwave_navgre
//light.4=4, 16.6, -0.3, 2.1, fx_shockwave_vclight
//light.5=4, 19.8, 0, 2.1, fx_shockwave_vclight
//light.6=5, 0.75, -17.4, -0.7, fx_shockwave_navwhi
//light.7=5, 0.75, -17.4, -0.7, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow_down
//stbd cart start
//light.8=7, 8.8, 10, 0.1, fx_canb_start

//port cart start
//light.9=9, 8.8, -10, 0.1, fx_canb_start

//vc lighting
//light.10=4, 20.9, -0.5, 1.9, fx_shockwave_vclight
//light.11=4, 20.9, -0.2, 1.9, fx_shockwave_vclight
//light.12=4, 20.6, 1.4, 1.4, fx_shockwave_vclight
//light.13=4, 20.9, -1.8, 1.1, fx_shockwave_vclight

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing 6=taxi 7=recognition 8=wing 9=logo 10=cabin
// tailcone light
light.1=3, -36.8, 0, 2, fx_navwhi

//wingtip lights
light.2=3, 2.1, -31.9, 0.9, fx_navredm
light.3=3, 2.1, 31.9, 0.9, fx_navgrem
light.4=4, 16.6, -0.3, 2.1, fx_navredc
light.5=4, 19.8, 0, 2.1, fx_navredc
light.6=5, 0.75, -17.4, -0.7, fx_navwhi
//stbd cart start
light.7=7, 8.8, 10, 0.1, fx_canb_start

//port cart start
light.8=9, 8.8, -10, 0.1, fx_canb_start

I've been updating my *.cfg files from my saved versions and noticed that these had not been removed.

I assume your answer is that they are not supposed to be part of the updated aircraft.cfg files?

UPDATE: I redownloaded the update for the trainer pack, and the contents are the same. The aircraft.cfg file is dated 10/25/2010, which implies it has not been updated with the various new features. So, me thinks that the file you have for downloading as an update is perhaps the original package??

'Tis very strange indeed, I have checked my file server and saw there were duplicate names in there, which may have been causing the trouble and serving the older version rather than the new. I am now uploading a renamed .zip ( which should clear that issue up. Give it 10 mins or so and try the download link again (same goes for anyone else that had the problem).

I see that I have the same duplication for the Bomber Power pack but you say that is not causing any problems so that's a relief.
I went through each aircraft.cfg file and didn't see the entries for the bomber pack updates, so the correct file was downloaded.

I just downloaded trainer pack 3 and checked the aircraft.cfg, and looks like its the updated file. It will have to wait until tomorrow before its installed.

I've been so busy since dinner time getting everything updated and installing the B-57 pack, that I've only had time for one flight. Whew.

Thanks for all your efforts, responses and support, Steve. It's really appreciated.
Glad you have the right files now, and it is my pleasure to get it sorted out - thanks to you and everyone else for having a keen eye. It seems to be the case that no matter how many i's you dot and t's you cross, there's always a few little teething troubles.

Given your constant level of interest in the B-57A pack I'm really keen to hear your feedback on it and see some screens. It's been a long haul but I think you'll get a good kick out of them. I am looking forward to sitting back and doing some more flying myself now!

I noticed that, d'ya mind if I wait until payday to settle with you, would've been buying it then anyway. Lots of expenses over the last couple of months.



done deal, sorry for the delay, forgot about it as I haven't simmed since @ then, FS has gone south, followed closely by my X52 profiles, causing system freezes. I am taking a hiatus from FS until I build up the thirst for it again, just can't be ar53d with it right now.


PS. when is the next one due :d No rush at least till I get my mojo back.
Take your time mate, I know it's a real hassle rebuilding the sim when all goes South. Takes a lot, but you know it's always worth it in the long run. Interest dips and peaks, it's only natural and it'll be here when you get back :)

Next pack is the last in the bubble canopy series; still in dev, no dates yet cos WH will kill me, but dare I say the 'near future'? Had to make a shuffle to the line up in this one, which is the cause of some of the delay.

Cheers for picking up the B-57s anyway.
