Flying the Eindecker

Thank you, Siggi!

CATFISH, I don't know the max. speed of the Rolands - might be, they flew slower for us.
But that little Eindecker is not too bad! It's fast underway (for it's time, considered).
I say it again - the only thing you should do, is the trim for straight level flight.
And then you can do a lot with that kite. I circled happily around the Rolands; up and down
it went, over their heads and under their bellies.
Now, I even really want to dogfight something. I'll do a video of that.
Off course, it's opponents here would all be more advanced planes - the Morane Parasol would be more like it. But I'll do my best, and see, if I can even fight Scouts with it.

GIANT - vott? You vere flyink for der Enemy all ze time? Grosser Gott! And I talked to you so trustful - I may hav given sseecretz away? But, perhaps you vill come to your senses, when you fly der German planez - come ant sign here. Much more fun! More gunz! More ammo!! Solid high tech planez instead of canvas kitez for aerobatics!!! Hmm??

PS: ah, I see - you are here already!
Hey, what do we have going on here? AN EIII squad in the making it seems. Kurt I am using the Saitek ST290. Works very good for me. I made no adjustments. I must say that was a good report from ze Bordeuax Red Baron. Someone is truely earning ze vings of an offitzer und ein gentleman. It is a step back from the Albies but not entirely different I find. Does anyone else take refuge at friendly bases when out numbered, out of ammo and under attack? I'll land, let the ground guns rip up the A/E and then head home. Completed mission and live to tell.
Off course I'd do that - everything else would be suicidal and false heroism.
Yes, it was fun flying that kite, and I'll continue that campaign as long as Leutnant Guenther Mahlo survives it.
My god - 2.54 h Must go to sleep now. Good nite, Jim!
Lieber Herr Baron,

surely I´m fighting the allied troopz. Until nov I just studied the enemy planez for their advantagez, and their dizadvantagez. At the technical univerzity here in Darmstadt, Lichtwiese, intelligence brought us zhe captured airplanez.

Today, I will transfer to Jasta 1 FFA32, and If the weazher iz right, I will have my first combat patrol in zhe Eindecker. I am looking forward to talk to you personal.

Sincerely yours

Marek Steinmann

p.s.: During WW1 the Lichtwiese was a Zeppelin base, and a little Airfield. It became a major Airfield in WW2. While Zeppelins were based there, German administration had to make a decision, wether to expand the Lichtwiese Field, or building a new one. Most of you know the new Airfield: Germanys largest Airport, Frankfurt. I guess it is also the largest on Europe mainland.

Another trick, which works for the Alb DII as well, is reduce your fuel load as the mission will allow. I typically fly with 50 % fuel to save weight. If you feel really cocky, you can reduce ammo load too, but I rarely do. This reduced weight tells on a light plane like the EIII and reduces the nose heaviness on the DII. On the other hand, you might want to look at your joystick calibration. If you can get more up elevator on the keyboard, but not the stick, there's something there to look at. Also, notice your wingmen and their elevators when they fly...lots of up elevator. And trimming for level flight isn't really cheating either as trimming for a particular flight regime could be accomplished on the ground via rigging or other ingenious devices and was done. Changing your trim in flight, i.e. for climb, descend, cruis and combat, would however, be going against the flavor of WWI aviation (at least in EIII terms).