Thank you, Siggi!
CATFISH, I don't know the max. speed of the Rolands - might be, they flew slower for us.
But that little Eindecker is not too bad! It's fast underway (for it's time, considered).
I say it again - the only thing you should do, is the trim for straight level flight.
And then you can do a lot with that kite. I circled happily around the Rolands; up and down
it went, over their heads and under their bellies.
Now, I even really want to dogfight something. I'll do a video of that.
Off course, it's opponents here would all be more advanced planes - the Morane Parasol would be more like it. But I'll do my best, and see, if I can even fight Scouts with it.
GIANT - vott? You vere flyink for der Enemy all ze time? Grosser Gott! And I talked to you so trustful - I may hav given sseecretz away? But, perhaps you vill come to your senses, when you fly der German planez - come ant sign here. Much more fun! More gunz! More ammo!! Solid high tech planez instead of canvas kitez for aerobatics!!! Hmm??
PS: ah, I see - you are here already!
CATFISH, I don't know the max. speed of the Rolands - might be, they flew slower for us.
But that little Eindecker is not too bad! It's fast underway (for it's time, considered).
I say it again - the only thing you should do, is the trim for straight level flight.
And then you can do a lot with that kite. I circled happily around the Rolands; up and down
it went, over their heads and under their bellies.
Now, I even really want to dogfight something. I'll do a video of that.
Off course, it's opponents here would all be more advanced planes - the Morane Parasol would be more like it. But I'll do my best, and see, if I can even fight Scouts with it.
GIANT - vott? You vere flyink for der Enemy all ze time? Grosser Gott! And I talked to you so trustful - I may hav given sseecretz away? But, perhaps you vill come to your senses, when you fly der German planez - come ant sign here. Much more fun! More gunz! More ammo!! Solid high tech planez instead of canvas kitez for aerobatics!!! Hmm??
PS: ah, I see - you are here already!