Just gotta say, this sim has the best dev team and best crowd of enthusiastic players I've come across in my fourteen years of PC flying.
My little niggles, say they were on a big-name dev title, would go absolutely unnoticed by the devs / authors.
This is really a great flagship for PC titles, and deserves much success.
The patch by WM to alter bullet - damage should be a great help and I for one am dead chuffed to see dialogue on this topic enabling improvements to be added. It's good for all of us! BTW, what does HTH stand for?
I'll try some later machines, and see how I get on, regards Pol. My ultimate aim is to take a pilot from the earliest date selectable, and fly him through the entire war; all the new planes, squad members etc. Maybe write a virtual memoir just for fun! ( Memories of a ham-fisted lucky sod? )
I've seen AI headshots occur; they scream loud n clear, then stuff it into the mud! Best done with 'tight' aiming, and up close; can pop their noggins about one time in six or so that way:tgun2:
As for gaping holes, I've nearly been taken out by an enemy AI, who clipped my wing; the wing end was just wood bits ( nicelly modelled!), and my plane really didn't feel up to staying level ( nose down and max opposite rudder; trying to balance the lift on each wing
Right, off to chuck a DVII around, up high - I'm drinking some beer to simulate oxygen-deprivation, and my kids are making lots of noise to give me the lack-of-O2-headache aswell! Might turn on my clip-on fan and sit here in my big fleece to make it even more real! My son has offered to burn me with a lighter if my plane does a flamer; nice thoughtful touch.:ernae:
My little niggles, say they were on a big-name dev title, would go absolutely unnoticed by the devs / authors.
This is really a great flagship for PC titles, and deserves much success.
The patch by WM to alter bullet - damage should be a great help and I for one am dead chuffed to see dialogue on this topic enabling improvements to be added. It's good for all of us! BTW, what does HTH stand for?
I'll try some later machines, and see how I get on, regards Pol. My ultimate aim is to take a pilot from the earliest date selectable, and fly him through the entire war; all the new planes, squad members etc. Maybe write a virtual memoir just for fun! ( Memories of a ham-fisted lucky sod? )
I've seen AI headshots occur; they scream loud n clear, then stuff it into the mud! Best done with 'tight' aiming, and up close; can pop their noggins about one time in six or so that way:tgun2:
As for gaping holes, I've nearly been taken out by an enemy AI, who clipped my wing; the wing end was just wood bits ( nicelly modelled!), and my plane really didn't feel up to staying level ( nose down and max opposite rudder; trying to balance the lift on each wing

Right, off to chuck a DVII around, up high - I'm drinking some beer to simulate oxygen-deprivation, and my kids are making lots of noise to give me the lack-of-O2-headache aswell! Might turn on my clip-on fan and sit here in my big fleece to make it even more real! My son has offered to burn me with a lighter if my plane does a flamer; nice thoughtful touch.:ernae: