Focke Wulf Fw 200 Berlin Staaken scenery


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Good morning friends
in the presntation of the MSFS Fw 200 it seems that the plane is presented at the Berlin Staaken airfield.
From where does the scenery come?
Is it a part of MSFS Would astonish me)?
Is it it a third party commercial scenery ?
Or included with the aircraft?
Nice Sunday
Best regards
Michael Vader
I would like to know that too, if there s a Berlin Staaken scenery available somewhere.
In default FS2020 you can see some remains of the formar airfield baked into the terrain textures but no actual buildings or airfield there.
Good evening Matthias
in reality I am interested for Berlin Staaken to get the most of sreenshots about and if there will be a possibility
of a sort of retro-engeneering to get a nice scenery of Berlin Staaken as it was at the end of the 30ies.
Bernard almost did me a scenery - but is more as it was at the very early beginning.
Best regards

I wonder if this was something they made with the Fw200? Maybe a scenery that was done for the plane, but not included? Or was it included, but we are not aware since we don't have computers capable of running it. :giggle:

I know it's not part of RedWing 1935 since I don't see it anywhere on the site.


Miami, FL
I've looked for that scenery, couldn't find it. And I like to think that my search skills on the internet aren't too shabby...

Maybe it's just old age... And maybe @Tom Clayton can help here!

Is it perhaps part of Redwing Sims' Germany 1935 package? It's a fairly comprehensive remake of Germany and some outlying countries. There's also separate scenery for Berlin Tempelhof, Koln, Friedrichshafen, Hamburg and Frankfurt (with others on the way)

1935 Airfields and Sceneries
In the videos the scenery looked very well and complex. I have the impression the scenery to have be done by germans as there are the usual mistake of using the wrong flags (they still believe by that falsification or ignoring historical facts they can make horror disapear)
Perhaps the idea of germans having done the scenery can conduct to the origins ans where this scenery might be
Best Regards
I've looked for that scenery, couldn't find it. And I like to think that my search skills on the internet aren't too shabby...

Maybe it's just old age... And maybe @Tom Clayton can help here!

The most useful link I get out of Google is a link to this thread. I don't think it's available outside the package.
Oliver Moser did the FW200 together with Inibuilds. Perhaps Oliver or Inibuilds did Berlin-Staaken for that promo video. I have no contact to both.

Hallo Thomas,
so I was not wrong when I presumed that the designer of the scenery should be of german origin.
I wonder about if the construction of a scenery for MSFS is a lot different compared to the good old
When I read the posts about MSFS and FS2024 - a lot of problems and the need of a strong pc and good
net connection. Forget it here in Brittany
Best regards
Up to now I have seen two youtubes showing the FW200 in pre-war Germany, and both are leaving or arriving in Berlin Tempehof. BTW, the important resources need by MSFS - money and energy - is one thing. The other is to have vintage airfelds in the middle of a hyper modern world. Not quite my cup of tea! But my strictly own and absolute personal view of vintage flying, of course.

Hallo Bernard,
have you changed your avatar or are you someone other thant the Bernard alias leuwen?
That is the fine thing with FS2004 that you can have different configurations/ installations, for "on our time" or vintage flying.
From my side I clearly prefer the kind as was golden wing or silver wings the modern area - I have all the days to see. The vintage area there are most nice rememberings.
In the new sims I do not belive that it might possible to change compßleteley the look of the sime as it was possible with FS2004.
Best regards