Focke-Wulf Ta 152H-1

Focke-Wulf Ta 152H-1 v.3

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Captain Kurt

Staff member
Captain Kurt submitted a new resource:

Focke-Wulf Ta 152H-1 - Focke-Wulf Ta 152H-1

Focke-Wulf Ta 152H-1

Unit: 7/Jg301
Pilot: unknown

The Focke-Wulf Ta 152 is a German high-altitude fighter–interceptor designed by Kurt Tank and produced by Focke-Wulf. It entered production too late and in insufficient numbers to have a significant role in the Second World War.

The Ta 152 was a development of the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 fighter. In 1944, the Reichsluftfahrtministerium (German Air Ministry) decided that new fighter aircraft titles must include the chief designer's name. The...

Read more about this resource...Ta 152H-1 of 7 JG301.jpg
My god, this plane looks so good! I will fly it right away, thank you Captain! :jump::redfire::applause:

Edit: just flew it a little and god I'm in love. As the Doras and other planes from you (German, Japan, US or other nations) and Team Daedalus it looks fantastic (I think the engine is sticking out a little on the top cowling near the cowling flaps but it's nothing serious) and flies really well, I managed to get to 11500 meters and when diving I reached 750 but lost pitch control (locked in negative gs and couldn't pull up at all) until below 5000 meters and reduced speeds, be aware if you make high altitudes passes on those bombers! I hope the only surviving example in the US will be restored one day, it would be great. Ta-152 cowl.jpg
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HiLudo, than you for the compliment. You'll need to look more closely LOL. Those are not the engine, but little vent louvers that were punched into the cowl top sheet metal. I debated leaving them off because they don't show up particularly well, being so small. But in the end I decided to include them as, after all, they were there on the real aircraft.
Thank you for the great aircraft Captain! I appreciate you leaving the vents in. It is frustrating that they are clipping with the 'base' layer I also noticed a series of 'chutes' in the side of the 'aft' plug. Am I correct that those were used to fire flares?

One minor nitpick. The 2d panel has the VSI and airspeed gauges' positions swapped. The VC has the correct layout. Attached is a tweaked panel.cfg.


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Browncoat, Yes that was the Signalanlage, a device for firing flares.

I wonder what I did to reverse those two gauges. I'm updateing the download, thanks for reporting it.
I think there was no venting gap, - I was just curious and looked into one of my books, it seems there is a straight metal sheet going from the fuselage to the cooler. …Because the engine was primary used as a bomber engine, so it replaced or is a closed cooler flap for a better forward view.

By the way, a wonderful new aircraft!

@wolfi You are correct, the very top of the cowling didn't have a movable vent/flap. I agree with you that it was probably due to offer better forward vision. Now. It did have a slits punched through the sheet metal of the top cowling to help with cooling so it wasn't solid, as Captain's model has. At least that's what I'm seeing from a line diagram from the copy of "Focke Wulf Ta-152" by Dietmar Harmann that I'm looking through.
Hi guys

Wolfi, I think your pic is of the 190D-13 that used to be at the Champlain Fighter Museum.

This is the Ta-152 H-1 cowl,Focke-Wulf-Ta-152H-Stab-JG301-Leck-destroyed-aircraft-germany-1945-01.jpgcowl.jpg
I hope I won't be dumb this time (and I don't like to be nitpicking like this) but I just spotted that the left flaps is slightly different than the right one when they are deployed. Nothing serious,just wanted to let you know that.Ta-152 flaps.jpg
Ludo, yes you are and yes you are.

Such very minor issues can be brought up in a PM direct to the creator/uploader ie CK, in person. It is uneccessary to publicly pick petty holes (try saying that after a few beers), after all the effort and bother for the community. Nobody is above critism, and very little is perfect, but think how would you feel if someone was doing it to you in public?


Ah Shessi, that's OK, I know I'm not perfect. I really appreciate constructive feedback (not the snarky kind mind you). Modeling can be intensive keeping track of all the parts. So it becomes easy to miss something when you've seen it a hundred times already and your attention is on building other parts. Having extra eyes is both helpful and fun. And it only leads to a better model. Wolfi also pointed out sometning I missed seeing on the cowl louvers In aPM. These models can never be perfect due to the game, resources information, and FSDS 2 limitations but we can try to get closer.

I'll work on the corrections today and post later this afternoon. TTFN
For pointing out minor issues here and there I miss Keticheart! He evaluated all my earlier Aircraft and sometimes gave me extra work. I still use the Prop blur textures he made for my aircraft.

Our models are not perfect; therefore, our sim is simply too old. CFS2 and FSDS2.4 have limits on the aircraft and ship models.

I sincerely apologize if I sounded rude, it wasn't my intention. Thank you again Captain for this Ta-152, I really love it.