Following the flight

I've seen both ends....once during forming up around home airfield, a group of 4 hannovers attacked the nieghboring field within full view of my flight, my flight lead broke towards them then pressed the attack.

Other times I have circled endlessly around with the lead shy of target, only to swoop down on something completely different, or head home.

Last week though while on patrol behind enemy lines, the lead started diving, I followed looking for aircraft; but he ended up straffing a truck convoy.....I thought that was cool, striking targets of opportunity. No idea where that came from.
I have been flying exclusively 'by rank' as a follower.

The AI definately attack ground targets. They definately sometimes attack the wrong target or an alternate target. I have seen the AI leader leave the normal flight path to shoot down a balloon, and then resume the flight. I have seen the AI 'loiter' back and forth between waypoints, although often they don't.

Lots of variety, and a good representation of 'human' reactions, indecision, fear, etc. I like it that way, and it is one of the best aspects of the game. Feel free to tweak improvements, but please don't remove from the game.