For all the MAIW fans here...

This is wonderful! I've been DYING for a proper rendition of Nellis (traffic & all). I had a good scenery (also found at MAIW) some time ago, but no traffic. This package is a dream come true. The traffic is incredibly impressive, and loads of fun to just sit back and watch. A round of applause to the talented folks at MAIW for a job well done! :applause::applause:

Now that Nellis is sorted, I just need to find some proper JASDF AI (hint hint!) and my sim will be almost perfect.
Well, Lazerbeak, as I told Don in an earlier post...we are explicitly prohibited from revealing details of upcoming packages; Having said that, I can assure you that there are about 10 EXTRAORDINARY new packages in the works at MAIW...and those are just the ones I know of; If you like Nellis, you will really be pleased with the quality and completeness of packages to come! Drop by the site and make sure to tell MikeJG and the rest of the team how much you like it..I know it will be appreciated. It is freeware after all...and better than every payware military product I am aware of....
No worries, I would never ask you guys to reveal what's in the works, I understand Dan's policy 100%. :)

But this news is enticing, I can't wait to see what new treats you guys have in store for us. Whatever rolls out your hangars next, I already know it'll be a must-have. :applause: