For Pol



Pol was worried that posts had dropped off so I thought I'd help. (Careful what you wish for :wave:)

I haven't had a lot of time with V1.2 yet but what I've seen so far is pretty damn good. On one sortie I tried the lead by rank and the flight leaders sure seen to have their act together now. Formed up over the field and followed the waypoints just fine. Additionally he was not shy about climbing to altitude in fact that is the only minor point I have with Ver 1.2, my flight leader wanted to climb by zooming to near stall, nose down to get airspeed then zoom to near stall again. Made keeping station fairly difficult and in fact on the homeward leg (no contact with the enemy) I was so intent on keeping station that I didn't see one of the other members of the flight drift up below and behind me and BOOM collision.

My next sortie with my pilot in Esc. 3 I flew as leader and was very impressed with the station keeping with the rest of the flight. No more hanging out 1-2 thousand feet below me. However they are still a little slow to adjust to a course change, they still want to swing out and around about a half mile, but still much better than Ver. 1.1. Saw several flights of enemy aircraft without opportunity to engage and none of them were stooging around just above the trees :woot:. All were up at altitude except one flight of CIIs which were down around 2000', but I'm sure there is going to be some low level activity.

Love the new sounds for the guns, much better and it may be just my imagination but it seems the rate of fire is increased. If it is I don't know if this was and error with 1.1 that was discovered and corrected. Now that the sounds of the guns are better, something I'd like to see for 1.3 is the sound of getting hit cranked up a little. I almost never hear any shots hitting me, but when I fly with the messages turned on I see them. A minor problem but something I'd like to see addressed at some point.

So far it looks like the boys at OBD hit one outta the park with this one. Thanks guys.

Thanks Scott.

Yep Ai wingies are slower to turn than the leader but MUCH better at formation flying generally and catch up pretty quickly once on their way. Leader you can get ready for when he changes direction, and hit full throttle just before he goes.

Guns fire rate is exactly the same and correct. Sounds are made to match better is all.
Interesting comments on the gun fire rate...

I was going to inquire about that one day. I thought that the firing rate on the Camel sounded a bit slow for twin mgs and I wondered about speeding it up a tad. After my rebuild I'll have to download the 1.2 patch and have a listen.
I read somewhere that having to shoot through a prop dropped a gun's ground-mount ROF by 10-30%, depending on the gun's original ROF, the number of blades on the prop, and the design of the synchronizer.
Yesterday, after installin Patch 1.2, I had a new campaign set in 1917 for Central Powers. Had my first mission, was defending the homefield against 2 full flights of Tripes. Even getting airborne was a heartpumping action, I spotted two Tripes on my 6, 400 ft (m?) away. "Far out!" me thinking, pulling my Alb DII in a 40° left turn, gaining altitude slowly, but wasn`t flying slow.

Then it happend, shots zipping trough canvas and wood, and last thing i saw were these two birds, at 450 ft(m?) away, aiming precisly, shred me to pieces! Thought, I heard someone moaned "headshot" out of the back of my mind:kilroy:.

Ok, though luck, I thought, setting an QC with the same birds, and 5 on 5, my flight at the ground. Guess what? Right, battle lasted for about 4 minutes, my flight was down.

Set the same mission with Pups, against the Albs, it went like a dream, they start shooting at 200 ft(m?). That´s ok, but 400 and hitting the entire burst.......:help:. Workshop settings, are normal spread, for me and gunner, realistic flightmodel, weapon effect set to strong.

Any ideas?

edit: enemy pilot skill was set to "Veteran".
Yesterday, after installin Patch 1.2, I had a new campaign set in 1917 for Central Powers. Had my first mission, was defending the homefield against 2 full flights of Tripes. Even getting airborne was a heartpumping action, I spotted two Tripes on my 6, 400 ft (m?) away. "Far out!" me thinking, pulling my Alb DII in a 40° left turn, gaining altitude slowly, but wasn`t flying slow.

Then it happend, shots zipping trough canvas and wood, and last thing i saw were these two birds, at 450 ft(m?) away, aiming precisly, shred me to pieces! Thought, I heard someone moaned "headshot" out of the back of my mind:kilroy:.

Ok, though luck, I thought, setting an QC with the same birds, and 5 on 5, my flight at the ground. Guess what? Right, battle lasted for about 4 minutes, my flight was down.

Set the same mission with Pups, against the Albs, it went like a dream, they start shooting at 200 ft(m?). That´s ok, but 400 and hitting the entire burst.......:help:. Workshop settings, are normal spread, for me and gunner, realistic flightmodel, weapon effect set to strong.

Any ideas?

Depends on who is shooting you - Ace Vet or rookie.
One of the things we have striven to achieve is non repeatability - if it played out the same way every time then we have a PC sim....

Why not just play the game and try to get an overall impression - war is hell esp WW1 in the air.

Relax practice and keep making pilots until you get the 17 hours!

Its how it was.

Depends on who is shooting you - Ace Vet or rookie.
One of the things we have striven to achieve is non repeatability - if it played out the same way every time then we have a PC sim....

Why not just play the game and try to get an overall impression - war is hell esp WW1 in the air.

Relax practice and keep making pilots until you get the 17 hours!

Its how it was.


I will, for sure!:amen:
Its how it was.

Except that nobody in his right mind ever took off with the enemy right on top of and attacking his airfield. Sure, it happened a few times in real life, but when some poor guy with more sack than sense tried it, 99% of he never got his gear retracted, let alone got enough speed and altitude to make it a fair fight.

I wish you'd rework the Scramble mission so that it was more realistic. Such as, you're ordered to intercept something that's over the front lines and probably isn't heading for your airfield. Allow some time to get altitude, form up, etc.
If OFF sells well maybe we can add features, improve, and add a many options to cover many more possibilities, more mission types like intercept etc... We can do almost anything we like now...BUT it takes a lot of work so we need support.
I read somewhere that having to shoot through a prop dropped a gun's ground-mount ROF by 10-30%, depending on the gun's original ROF, the number of blades on the prop, and the design of the synchronizer.

That is certainly true and a consideration, but...I think that twin mgs interrupted (on the Camel which is all I've flown so far) still have a certain rate of 'rattle'. Not wanting to be too critical, I'm still guessing that the ROF is just a bit slow. However, I can live with this for now and some day perhaps I will investigate the possibility of changing it.
Hi Pol, On the subject of OFF selling well,and of course I am sure we all want it too . A friend of mine writes reviews for has been wanting to have the opportunity to do a review of OFF3 since he saw OFF2 a few weeks ago. Are there any plans to make OFF3 known to a wider audience. I have to say that I am a bit surprised that hasn't been any reviews(that I'm aware of) by now
I read somewhere that having to shoot through a prop dropped a gun's ground-mount ROF by 10-30%, depending on the gun's original ROF, the number of blades on the prop, and the design of the synchronizer.

If I recall correctly the synchroniser was geared to the revolutions of the propellor, so engine speed dictated the ROF.
Hi Daveebee thanks. Well we have a few people on Websites, and a couple of mags at least that we know do have BH&H specifically to do a review - we just need people to actually do it, and release the reviews ;)
If I recall correctly the synchroniser was geared to the revolutions of the propellor, so engine speed dictated the ROF.

Quite so. Say you've got a 2-bladed prop, direct drive, and the motor does 2000rpm at full power. That means a blade passes in front of the gun 4000 times per minute. This is way higher than the gun's ROF, so it's not a question of interrupting the firing of the gun, but rather trying to let the gun fire only in the fleeting windows of opportunity.

Problem was, the cam was cut for the worst-case situation, as in high RPM. Thus, it tended to be over-careful at lower RPMs. Or so I understand things.
That is certainly true and a consideration, but...I think that twin mgs interrupted (on the Camel which is all I've flown so far) still have a certain rate of 'rattle'. Not wanting to be too critical, I'm still guessing that the ROF is just a bit slow. However, I can live with this for now and some day perhaps I will investigate the possibility of changing it.

"Wal shut mah mouth" as my southern-american friend used to say...

I just downloaded the 1.2 patch and flew the Camel and the guns sound GREAT! They sound much better than they sounded before the least I think so, or did I have waaaay too much coffee :friday:the last time I tried them, as I've had my pc apart for some over-hauling the last couple of days!

I'm sure the ROF or at least the sound of the ROF is exactly what I had wanted with that slightly stuttering and slightly more rapid rate of twin interrupted mgs...given the engine is running at full speed, etc.

Woooo Hoooo...they sound EXCELLENT!
hey Devs,

Since installing patch 1.2 i am very much impressed with the changes that have been added, better sounds of the guns, and a flight that actually decides to stay with you, and not 'do there own thing' so to speak.. few other changes which may be minor, but i did indeed notice them :

flying low over the trenches, gunfire sounds are more intensive, even rifle shot being heard more than the standard machine gun crew, especially around airfields (gotta love the mechanics) :ernae:
Air raid sirens are more clear, and actually sound more like air raid sirens.. (I hear this all the time because in Germany when the fire station in a village goes to a fire, they first let loose with the actual air raid siren to warn the village) the sound has more depth to it..

and the firing rate i have noticed is increased especially when im flying my beloved DR1, and the sounds are way improved.. Overall great work, and hope to see more in the future :friday:

'komm zu uns krompets...wee are waiting for uu... zinzerely za Jasta 13 fliegers.... :friday:

Blue 781
Fly by rank still isn't fixed. I still lead flights with higher ranking (and more experienced) pilots in them.

Seems like the feature was imperfectly implemented.
Fly by rank still isn't fixed. I still lead flights with higher ranking (and more experienced) pilots in them.

Seems like the feature was imperfectly implemented.

That's the older more experienced chaps looking out for the younger ones. keeping them in front where they can watch their tails for them. :)
That's the older more experienced chaps looking out for the younger ones. keeping them in front where they can watch their tails for them. :)

That could possibly be.. i think its hardwired in code, but not sure..