For Pol

Ditto on the fly by rank feature. Also, from what I can see, IF you do a clean OFF install, without a previous CFS3 install, you don't get that "special" cfs3config file which means that I am unable to program my joystick through it and that I can't change some settings? Got a profile editor from Saitek and the sim is looking beautiful though so no worries.

An absolutely amazing sim. Thank you.
I read somewhere that having to shoot through a prop dropped a gun's ground-mount ROF by 10-30%, depending on the gun's original ROF, the number of blades on the prop, and the design of the synchronizer.

That is true. One would hear a slight pause in the gun firing as the bladed passes in front of the prop and the gun stops firing in these plane. Not the same in WW-2. This do to the low RPM of the engines and prop speed at the time, even with two guns.

At the end of the war aircraft mounted MG's had a fire rate of up to 800 rounds/minute.

Sounds in BHaH are much better.
