For the scenery Gurus


I am Happy to Announce it is Done

Or as done as I am going to do it.

Now it will be a couple of days until the Read Me is done.

Holy Cats is it going to be long winded.

To make it easier for anyone who is interested in the scenery go get these Library Packages now and install them.

You can find all of these Library Files at

FS2004 Rwy12 - Library Collection #1, #2 and #3 yes its large but well worth it there are alot of scenery's that use it. You don't need the program unless you plan on installing objects into your own scenery.

EZ Outdoors 1 and 2 by Ron Jeffers Install them both. There is an update in #2 for #1.

EZ Vintage Hangers by Sidney Schwartz

EZ Cabins by By Glenn "Woody" Fout

EZ Totem Pole Bears By Glenn "Woody" Fout

EZ Boulders By Glenn "Woody" Fout

All details will be in the read me.


While writing the Read me I find out there are two updates to the hangars I am using...

Now i have to test them with the update and make sure there is not something better I like. :applause:

Still lots to write and some more tweeking to do.

BTW I looked at the location in the default Mesh...

Childs play nothing like the real location.

In a good Mesh hold on mother this is going to hurt. :applause:
Ok we are good from what I can see Version 3 has all of the version 1 and 2 textures so I think it is safe to say just download and install version 3 and you should be fine.
If you're talking about my vintage hangers, V3 is backward compatible with the previous versions, so it's the only one anyone should need. I've noticed that has multiple versions of some of my libraries...I'll have to remember to ask them to remove the older ones.