• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

    We just posted part one of the how to on uploading new files to the Library. Part 1 covers adding new files. Part 2 will cover making changes to your the uploads you own.

    Questions or comments please post them in the regular forums. Which forum is that... Well it is the one you spend the most time in.

    Thanks the Staff

    Library How to

Free models from Sim Skunk Works!


next interesting move (for us for sure :pirate:) from developer of P3D/FSX market.
So models like F-104 series, Tornado, Gina, F-84 and Harrier will be for free (P3D versions).



SOMETIMES IT HAPPENS..that we receive from the ′′ usual known ′′ free, unnecessary and often unreasonable criticism about the quality of our products and also the support we give to our customers.
We don't claim to say that our products are perfect, no software is, nor can we claim to have 100 % of our approval, it would be a false statistic.
So in front of the thousands of distributed products and the hundreds of appreciation received on almost every forum some voice out of the choir and it's welcome because it consolidates the statistic in our favor.
After a more careful analysis, it turns out that the most clever criticisms have at least two characteristics in common:
- they come almost exclusively from Italian users (but since I'm a patriot I like to redefine them ′′ Italioti ′′)
- they usually come from a small group of sedicent ′′ simmers ′′ who, in the Italian way, believe themselves to be simulation and flight geniuses while, in my opinion, and I can speak with knowledge of the cause, they know the ′′ aeronautical ′′ matter as I know Sanskrit Ancient.
They say that thinking wrong is a sin but you often get it right: it will be that this scattered group of Italians has it against us because a while ago we didn't take into consideration their not even so veiled proposal to act as a beta-tester for ours Products?
It may be a coincidence, but they're almost all concentrated in a group, evidently they know each other, search each other and find each other, for the best.
They think in the Italian way:
′′ If something doesn't work out the way I want it to and instead works regularly for thousands of other users, then it means that everyone else is to blame and software, without thinking that in many cases it's a local problem, maybe during the installation something is went wrong, or graphics card settings, etc.."
Instead of asking for support trying to provide all the necessary information to those who without being able to replicate the problem should solve it, they often claim in a rude way that they have the problem solved right to cover up their inability I'm not saying to solve it but also to try to investigate the problem causes of the same, because by now we know that there aren't two PCs with Windows that are ′′ standard ′′ and have the same characteristics.
In short, if criticism comes from intelligent, prepared and educated people they are well accepted, if instead they come from ′′ Italiots ′′ like them then they arouse our hilarity, which in these days also helps us keep our morale up.
If they haven't decided yet, let's renew the invitation to NOT buy our products, we willingly avoid users like them, better lose them.
Quoting Umberto Eco:
′′ Internet He gave the imbeciles right to speak: first they spoke only at the bar and immediately they were silenced ′′

Now a consideration on FSX / P4D etc..
For a long time we've written on various sides that the SSW would stop developing for P4D, the reasons are both commercial and technical, for FSX the reason is obvious: it's obsolete software, as for P4D we've also been disappointed by the recent versions in Particularly the v 5 that forced us into several changes without having real advantages.
In response to this decision, we have now lowered the prices of FSX / P3D products to a risable price: 10 10 and we have removed the keys, now we'll take another step: we'll put ′′ FREE ′′ all products for FSX / P3D.
In a few days FSX / P3D products will be free on the distribution platforms we use: SimMarket and JustFlight,

We need to consolidate agreement with these distributors, we'll let you know when they're available
Well, it is a good news for P3D pilots who are going to get some really nice freeware models. However, it's not such a good news to see such a good developer of military aircraft leave the P3D world...
I absolutely loved their F-104. Yes, the 3D modeling and texturing was not perfect... but man, their planes fly like a dream, and their sounds were excellent.
I really hope they can compensate all the their troubles with the sales volumes over on the MSFS side. Their F104 will be a sure-buy for me.
Well, it is a good news for P3D pilots who are going to get some really nice freeware models. However, it's not such a good news to see such a good developer of military aircraft leave the P3D world...
I absolutely loved their F-104. Yes, the 3D modeling and texturing was not perfect... but man, their planes fly like a dream, and their sounds were excellent.
I really hope they can compensate all the their troubles with the sales volumes over on the MSFS side. Their F104 will be a sure-buy for me.

The same. I also like his models (and I have near the whole set). What is good they always gives something more than standard's addons like more usable avionics, maps or a working weapon system :applause:.
For me, it is one (of few) of the best producers of P3D addons.
I expect a lot more developers dumping the legacy sims. I can still see quite a bit of market in P3D v4.x, but P3D v5.x is a nightmare. And FSX is indeed quite simply obsolete software.

The future is called MSFS, and like Daube, I'm looking forward to their TF-104G!


I expect a lot more developers dumping the legacy sims. I can still see quite a bit of market in P3D v4.x, but P3D v5.x is a nightmare. And FSX is indeed quite simply obsolete software.

The future is called MSFS, and like Daube, I'm looking forward to their TF-104G!



It's unfortunate, but all too true.

From 1th of September, they will for free, confirmed:

SSW PRODUCTS FOR PREPAR3D v 5.X SET FREEAs we announced in a post below from September 1st all our products for P3D v 5.x will be free on Simmarket.de.
Products for FSX and P3d v 4 will be removed from distribution and no longer supported.
A removed product is not listed in the shop's catalogue and search results annymore.
Only customers who already own a licence or copy will still see the product in their order history, and downloads will still function as before.
As far Just Flight is concerned we are still negotiating the initiative, as soon ready we will notify you.
Thanks for the headsup. Does not surprise me - another developer punting on MSFS for their future. A few more for the historical hangar of flight sim - way it is.
Hi YoYo,

Are these products only P3Dv5 compatible? Or can it be used for v4 as well?

Hi YoYo,

Are these products only P3Dv5 compatible? Or can it be used for v4 as well?


Dont know, v5 ready, perhaps some functions will have problem in v4. They stop to support the other platform, just v5 and MSFS (payware).
You should have received an email with assorted Dropbox links to all the additional files including textures.
I'll add a rider: I downloaded the files from Sim Market. Everything worked.
Checked the old website as I never downloaded updates for the Tornado and Harrier to put in P3Dv4. Anyone check these in v4.5 yet?