Hey Nigel, you and all the good folks who worked your magic on Milton's creation are to be congratuled for a worderful bit of "what might have been"! Seems I posted too soon in the "51" thread just after Milton made his release announcement. Probably didn't get to all the folks to whom it was intended.
So, at the risk of being a bit over the top here's a copy!
Steve, we're all just a part of what I now call one big family.
The truth is I read your kind comments almost as soon as you posted.
What I really found difficult, was finding ample words to express my own
gratitude to yourself and the many others here at the 'House'.
Perhaps we could consider my own humble contribution a payment for the wonderful comradeship shared within this fine community. I can also feel more at ease flying the many exceptional contrbutions you yourself have created also Sir.
Maybe it is not quite appropriate to speak in place of Milton, but 'long' ago when trying that very first 'Shupe' aircraft, I recognized that here was a Gentleman who wished to take our flying experience to a new level of realism, credibilty and excellence. If my own small offerings can somehow help some of these goals to be achieved along the way, then that would be something.
Over the years, SOH has drawn an unusually high proportion of talented and creative of people who seem to reflect and thrive on these very ideals. This is because of a rarely found, positive thinking community interested in expanding, rather than smothering flight simulation development, whether it be texturing, model-making, scenery design or any other related aspect.
A community which values actively embracing, instead of discouraging - anyone wishing to become somehow involved in developing our hobby, even at the seemingly minutest level.
There is a genuine place for each and every individual wishing to add something to Flight Simulation, whether it be a 20Kb Afcad bgl or a megaton supermodel.
You'll never find the 'perfect' sim, whether its name be 9, X, Y or Z!
You're already there!
You have been ever since that very first brave person made the very first addon.
And it'll always be growing, changing and improving.
9 or X?
Both! As if there was some big issue to solve, or a life or death choice of loyalty to make. Lol.
I just call them 'OUR' sims; we're the ones building them (IT)!
And I freely use either (both) according to any particular goal I may be trying to acheive at any one moment.
Petty competition is a waste of potentially valuable rescources, and pays absolutely no service to our community.
Teamwork, sharing, friendly encouragement and the free, creative exchange of ideas can only ever be the way forward.
With literally so much untouched, fertile ground in both FS9 and FSX just waiting to be worked on, it therefore heartens me to see so many fascinating projects being undertaken on different fronts around us.