Freeware B-29 Skins coming soon

adding the following changes to the .m3d file:Starting at hex address E3E the sequence through address E79 should be FF 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 FF 33 33 33 FF 00 00 7E 43 00 00 FF FF 01 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 FF 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 FF 33 33 33 FF 00 00 7E 43 00 00 FF FF 01 00
gives me the following result


  • Shot11-29-16-23-52-55.jpg
    122.2 KB · Views: 0
The one at post 96 is the one included with the recently released B-29 skin pack (unless I goofed!).
Thank you for the heads up, this is what happens when you try to improve on a great product.:encouragement:
I have three VB-13s on deck ready for upload. They use the 'Tallboy' effects and I can't remember who created them. I would very much like to credit him/her in the 'Read Me', if that is you, please speak up.:mixed-smiley-010: