Freeware Fs9 Besch 17

Actually I need help on this one, if any of you know of a picture with the top view of this plane I would be really happy.
If not no worries I will jsut have to look at others examples to see how they might have done it an hope its accurate..


Much appreciated!

Tom Wood
Lead designer.
Given the contrast of the insignia and yellow underside with the RAF temperate camouflage side/uppers, this is potentially the sharpest-looking of them all.

You just keep at it, Tom, you do excellent work!
Thanks! Its quite a cool paint job and I think it will be fun and challenging to do. I hope the mapping dosent stretch the texture to much and distort it to much on the front cowling.
Over at the Old Hanger they found me a model that shows the top wings so I have left, right top, now I need to find the writing on the bottom wings then its a go.

Tom Wood
Lead Designer.
Actually I need help on this one, if any of you know of a picture with the top view of this plane I would be really happy.
If not no worries I will jsut have to look at others examples to see how they might have done it an hope its accurate..


Much appreciated!

Tom Wood
Lead designer.



I just want to let you know that I really do appreciate your planes, and especially your two Beeches. Even with the wingtips. I still fly the original payware releases. And will be first in line for the FSX version, CC in hand. Take your time, family definitely comes first.

And for those who say "try building one yourself..." believe me, I have tried. I'm still working on my flying brick. :icon_lol: This computer stuff is nowhere near as easy as plastic or wood, believe me. I envy those of you who can do the virtual stuff. I haven't figured out painting, yet, either. So...


I wanted to say thanks for all of the hard work. I'm one of those guys that has no talent and benefits from folks like yourself who make this sim so enjoyable. I have enjoyed your past models and look forward to trying this one out when your done.

Again my thanks and appreciation to you and all of the others out there for not forgetting about us FS9 pilots.

I do it because I love it, the money is not the reason. Actually how could it be .. there is no money in this racket...LOL!!!
But if I can get a bit here or there and buy the kids and the wife a treat here and there for letting me do this its all good in the end.
I decided to finish this one and then look at making a new one with a single yoke and the wings the way the plans up above show it for fs9. I spent the after noon looking at the two differant drawings and they look so close except for the wing design on the tips, but its all water under the bridge now, we will get this ol gal spruced up and out there and then we will get flying on the fsx one.
Its a great project as it has some very nice variants to play with and over the next year or so I can make them all. Its harder now that my partner decided to retire from flight sim, but its ok, I can do it all any ways but now I have to be patient because I can only do one plane at a which is good.
In this time in flight sim I had two fantastic design partners , Mark Dyson and Norm Gorn, both of them were incredible designers. I will miss them both for a long time . But things happen for a reason and I will be ok. :0)

Im glad the new liveries dont have mass amounts of chrome all over them like the last ones...LOL that is not happening on this one. In many ways I wish fsx never came here, aside from designing I just cant get emersed in that sim, I can fly fs9 for hours at a time but only 20 minutes in fsx.. I dont know why, it just dosent connect with me. Im looking at ways to make new planes for fs9 and make them super detailed, they would never get to the level of fsx but I can get them darn close thats for sure.

Thanks all for the support and the great pics!

Tom Wood
Lead Designer
Thanks for being patient Tom, when reading some of the posts I thought to myself "boy if this isn't going to blow up in our faces we are really blessed".
And I do not think that any of the guys were actually trying to be mean or unappreciative of your great gifts to the community. It's just one of those things were written words on a forum do not accurately convey the sentiment behind
them and in consequence may be understood as someone looking the proverbial gift horse in the mouth.

I for one will gladly take any version of the most beautiful Beech single ever built that you decide to release to us. Straight wingtips, upturned or down turned.

Just for heavens sake do not paint it red....I almost had a real world midair with one of those flying into Camarillo when the Beech driver descended pretty much on top of my Saratoga.
I think if he had dropped his undercarriage he would have rolled the wheels on my fuselage top. I did have a very friendly conversation with the chap once we were both on the ground and he said the first time he saw
my aircraft was when I "darted" out below and to the left of him. :running::running:
